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  1. #1

    WD6 The best idea for making "news" content ?

    Hi people !
    I made (with success) a few sites in XWD and I am so happy about Xara growing community, along with Xara growing abilities (WD7P) ...
    But always I have to make some improvisation about making "news" part of site.
    Maybe somebody have great decisions and different ideas and ways to solve it ?
    I know that there is no ability to work with databases (like in Joomla and others), but with Xara we always have some ways to overcome it. Maybe there are some widgets or tweaks ... or connecting with some other third-party sites ?
    I'm just wondering and kindly asking for different ideas ... and samples ... :-)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: The best idea for making "news" content ?

    Are you referring to something like an RSS feed? I am sure there are many third party solutions.

    There is a New York Times widget, but now that the NY Times is charging for more than 15 articles viewed a month, there might be a better news source.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Boston, UK

    Default Re: The best idea for making "news" content ?

    There's a Coffeecup app called RSS News Flash which will put in news feeds and allow you to add your own feed. It's very easy to integrate into XWD via a placeholder and does not require a database. Check it out here: http://www.coffeecup.com/news-flash/
    "Second class fairway is better than first class rough!"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Re: The best idea for making "news" content ?

    I am also interested in being able to post news to my site
    Last edited by dogg94; 25 April 2011 at 08:39 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Re: The best idea for making "news" content ?

    gwpriester, I believe the news Dencuga is referring to (if I am understanding correctly) is internal company news that would be generated by someone onsite to be distributed to other employees over an intranet (i.e. promotions, current project status, etc. or at least this is what I am looking for). I have tried coffeecup but was unable to get it to import correctly into xwd and it appears they are no longer supporting the news-flash program as this link and the purchase link in the app don't work properly. I am not really a big fan of using a 3rd party reader in xwd either if possible as it doesn't make sense to me to have my data go from being local to rss-feed-widget hoster back to me for formatting, it seems somewhat counterintuitive, however it would be nice to be able to have a module to fill in that would update a placeholder with updated news in a similar fashion to the way coffeecup does this. Thank you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Re: The best idea for making "news" content ?

    Hi all- i'm new to WD7 having spent many years making websites using dodgy HTML and crafting images in packages like Serif PhotoPlus.

    I've been looking into ways of creating a base website using WD7 (it makes lovely looking pages in an easy way- and with a bit of imagination and nice choice of imagery it's a winner) that can link to easily updatable dynamic pages.

    As far as I can work out so far the key choices for making "news" content as queried in this thread boil down to:

    Manually updating a news page by editing and re-uploading a Xara WD7 produced website (which seems like a big job for the stated goal) each time you wish to add a fact / news item

    Linking to and displaying a summary of a twitter account using the twitter widget

    Simply adding a link to a blog site (eg blogspot) and accepting that there will be a loss of webstyle due to the difference in appearance of the two platforms

    Using a second party widget (like widget box- it'll cost you a few £$£$) and hosting the headlines from your blog page on your Xara website with a click-through for interested parties.

    I wonder if any of you long-experienced Xara webmasters have a preferred solution that allows you to easilly add (preferably through a web interface) news / updates / contemporary content to a Xara WD produced base-site. Such a capacity seems like a simple requirement for a website creation product?

    Any links that display your solutions would be apprecieated!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: The best idea for making "news" content ?

    What kind of site are you adding news to? Will adding news enhance the site or just be a pointless distraction?

    When I want news I go to a news site.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Surrey, BC, Canada

    Default Re: The best idea for making "news" content ?

    I would go search for a Free Scripting page and do a search for PHP or Javascript file for News or Blogs and get one that suits your needs and download it and modify to you needs the use the script iin a place holder. That would give what you want exactly and you could use for other purposes. By doing that all you would have to ass to your site daily is the news files. I did see one for aa Faltfile news script (doesn't require a database file)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Bradford, England

    Default Re: The best idea for making "news" content ?

    My preferred option is to use iframe to a blogger blog such as in www.energydanceandfitness

    As you can see it is fairly easy to match the blogger site to your website. That way the customer just updates the blog and it is instantly updated on the website. And by the way if you want to hide the blogger bar at the top just create a rectangle the same colour as the background over it in webdesigner.
    Flawless Form. Faultless Function. Crafted by Cloud


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Default Re: The best idea for making "news" content ?

    Am I correct, then, in assuming that Web Designer can only create static pages and not something that would be regularly changing, like a string of new stories or updates, or a collection of entries on something that might be based on a database?

    I'd like to create a revamped website for (www.desperationmorale.com) my site, which is basically stuck in the 20th century, so that I don't have to constantly redesign the pages every time i want to add something (especially for www.desperationmorale.com/worldrecent.html), but it sounds like I'd be doing the same thing with Web Designer that I am currently doing with FrontPage 2003. I had kind of hoped that Web Designer might include a user friendly way to include this sort of content.




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