Some of you may remember that Wikipedia has an article with a large list of colors.
The list contains named colors that are used in web pages, Crayola Crayons, University/College named colors, and some Internationally named colors.
A palette with all those named colors could be very handy, wouldn't it?
How about a palette of all those colors defined in CMYK, or RGB, or HSV?
Better yet, palettes of all those named colors for each of those color spaces?
How about FREE palettes of those named colors for those color spaces?
Simply go to the Xara Xone Shareware Page and download the file.
Unzip the three .jcw files and put them in the Palettes folder of your Xara installation. That will be in the Program Files folder on your machine. The next time you start your Xara application the palettes will be in your Color Gallery.
With all those colors, having a palette show in the Color Line can make things difficult to work with. May I recommend adding only the colors you plan to work with within a project. See the next image.