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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Los Angeles, California

    Default Re: Creating Magazine

    Also, is this going to be e-zine or a print magazine? I was thinking of using Xara for an e-zine but if this isn't recommended than Adobe Acrobat may be the best alternative.
    Get out and do something. Find a group and engage with other people @ MEETUP.COM

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Dunoon, Scotland

    Default Re: Creating Magazine

    You can use it for any type of e-zine and it is up to you if you publish it as HTML or PDF. You may have to watch your file size if your are using PDF as your publishing medium even when saving it as "email distribution or web download" PDF.
    Design is thinking made visual.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Varna, Bulgaria

    Default Re: Creating Magazine

    Same result as indesign but free of charge, just download and install
    Scribus - windows version http://www.scribus.net/taxonomy/term/36
    [A]bort? [R]etry? or [S]elf distruct


  4. #14

    Default Re: Creating Magazine

    I worked on Scribus a lot of time its free its ok, but its no stable and not efficient
    I have IdDesign CS3 and Quark 7 and 8.
    My fav is Quark 8
    If Xara add columns for text object (predefinied intervals, etc.) can be woderful tool for small DTP (Small Newpapers etc.).

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Varna, Bulgaria

    Default Re: Creating Magazine

    The problem here is that no body read the all topic..... people wanted to buy Xtreme for small Magazine project they are not PROs in DTP, dey dont have your speed and efficiency ... the question was did Xtreme will do the work or not... from other side all here started to advertise softwares wich need to be invested with really a lot of money and need to be learn years and years...

    So my last words here if the strarter of topic still read of course, try some free software like scribus, see how you will work, how magazine going to happen, then if you want and need go and buy Indesign, Quark whatever... but dont buy Xara for such a things, she set more questions and problems than resolve it...
    [A]bort? [R]etry? or [S]elf distruct


  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Default Re: Creating Magazine

    Minimiro is right that Xtreme/Design Pro is not the tool to use for creating a 60-page magazine. I also agree that InDesign and Quark are inappropriate choices for the OP. I'm not so sure about going with Scribus. Comments I've seen indicate that it's still clunky and may not be easy to learn.

    OTOH, Serif PagePlus is worth a shot. They offer a freebie version, a $10 version and a full version at $129, which is very reasonably priced as these apps go. I was impressed with what I saw when I got it for my sister several years ago.

    I would still prepare the graphics and photos in Xara. Could be useful combination.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Creating Magazine

    Having worked for a charity, I think everyone here is assuming that funding is a major problem for the software. Charities do get discounts for this kind of thing and sometimes charities make such things in order to produce quality product that sells well thereby raising revenue. So cost might not be an issue (no pun intended) particularly when considered over time.

    A 60 page magazine does sound like quite an undertaking though and it makes me wonder if that's a bit ambitious in itself, regardless of software. Maybe the OP can elaborate a bit more on the circumstances and intentions for the magazine - this could be an in-house low-cost job, including printing or maybe a high-end professional finish is required.




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