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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Salt Lake City, UT

    Default Re: Internal Program Error 938.k.ba.nd

    Look ... I have no axe to grind with anyone here. But the level of problems with WD6 are manifold and persistent. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program five times now and still have problems. Today, the program simply crashed while sitting idle. And it took what I was working on with it.

    Further, the problem was not handled by the update Sledger refers to; I'm on version and I still have the problems mentioned in the original post. So, the fix isn't there. And I agree with other posters who've stated they had zero problems with five and are now having problems with six. Having used computers for over twenty-five years, I can assure whomever may read this that I know what the heck I am doing with both software and hardware. I build my own systems from scratch, and end up being the guy a couple of dozen people call when they have software or hardware problems. Understand I have no other problems with any of several dozen programs on my systems except WD6. Nor have I for the last two years. The problems I'm experiencing came at the point in time I installed WD6.

    My opinion is this is an unstable program. Prone to crashing, throwing PEs, and in general not behaving correctly. In short, I'm absolutely positive there are problems with version six of this program.

    I mean no disrespect to any of the very helpful denizens of this forum: Sledger, Covoxer, Gary Priester, et al, but someone, anyone ... in development should be monitoring this forum for problems like these program errors. That's their job. They are not doing this and I am on the verge of abandoning the program and recommending my clients find an alternative.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Princeton Junction, NJ, USA

    Default Re: Internal Program Error 938.k.ba.nd

    Thanks again... I should have tried that -- I usually do effectively the same thing with google, e.g., in the search box I'd type:

    "938 k.ba.nd" site:www.talkgraphics.com

    What I find especially bizarre is that when I use google and leave off the site-specific tag, it does NOT find the relevant threads on the talkgraphics site -- but if I add back in the "site:" argument, it works. This is pretty weird behavior I think: I can't imagine that google would spider the site on demand simply because I added the "site:" tag, and then promptly forget the content is there when I leave the tag off. The logic it uses to decide when to include or exclude results is pretty weird.

    Anyway -- using that tag, I found a thread from April that seems somewhat related, and "Dr.Who" (site member here) asks specifically about this same error part way through the thread. I can see your suggestion to Cliff on 4/25/2010 to replace some of the files (webdesigner.exe, xaraeng.dll and xaraxenu.dll) with a different version. But this seems more specific to web designer (I'm using designer pro), and the zip file that used to be on the past has been removed... Also from the description it sounds as if the error had to do with light/dark skins in the program...?

    I skimmed through the thread from 4/25, which is "WD6 - Unhandelable unidentifiable exception in thread at 0x00000000" , and aside from Dr.Who's one reference to the error code, the only discussions I see seem related to the patch Xara released for WD, and/or OS versions.

    I'm tired, and might be missing something, but the thread doesn't seem to relate to the 938 k.ba.nd issue in Designer Pro 6...(and I've got the latest / greatest version).

    The April 25 thread is the only one that comes up in Google when searching for something even as simple as:

    "k.ba.nd" site:talkgraphics.com

    Sorry to be obtuse, but I just can't find a discussion about a procedure or workaround that resolves this...

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Princeton Junction, NJ, USA

    Default Re: Internal Program Error 938.k.ba.nd

    Hmmm... One possibility I can see:

    Although I thought I had uninstalled prior versions, e.g., Xara Xtreme, Xtreme 4, Xtreme 5 -- Xtreme and Xtreme 5 both had folders with these same suspect files in them. Windows is notoriously weird about which DLL it loads up (despite the notion that an exe should start by checking the dir local to the exe and then follow a defined path), and I'm wondering now if the fact that I have 3 versions of files like XaraXenu.dll is related to the issue I'm seeing. I will finish removing traces of these prior versions, reboot, and (when I have time) see if I can recreate the error...

    Any other thoughts please share -- or if you can point me to any other discussions that I couldn't locate with Google related to 938 k.ba.nd -- thanks!

    EDIT: OK -- on looking closer into Program File\Xara X1 and program folders for Xtreme, Xtreme 4 and Xtreme 5, I saw several directories that appear to have been "touched" recently, and when I went to delete them manually (no uninstall pgms left -- Windows add/rmv didn't know about them), Windows complained that some of the dll's were in use by another process! Aha! Although I have Designer Pro 6 with the latest version of these DLL's, and had thought to delete the earlier versions of Xtreme, SOMETHING had referenced some of the those dll's it seems! Between reboots and lots of manually hunt and peck, I finally removed all the old program file / folders for these old versions.

    Later on, after reboot, i'll also using something like CC to clean up old registry entries that no longer refer to files on my pc.

    I suspect we may be on to something here...
    Last edited by jonazen; 21 September 2010 at 03:30 AM.




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