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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Donegal, Ireland

    Default videofile not found??

    Hi Guys,
    I know this problem has come up before, but I have read through past posts on this subject and am no wiser. Anyone who reported this problem before seems to be very knowledgeable on web workings and were uploading directly to servers and suchlike and talking well above my head. I am trying to upload an mpv4 file through web designer's own publishing utility. I had a comp file from istock.com on a page and it uploaded and worked fine. I then bought the unrestricted version of the video and replaced it on the webpage. When I preview it in designer it works fine, but when I upload it and try to view in a browser it comes up with 'videofile not found'
    the flashplayer is there but no file. Can anyone help - in simple terms if possible?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: videofile not found??

    Welcome to TalkGraphics

    Is the file name for the unlocked MP4 file the same as the trial version? If so then deleting the MP4 file from your server (if you have FTP access) and replacing it with the new file should work. If you do not have an FTP program, try Filezilla. It is a free FTP utility. You can use it to upload files and/or to remove existing files from your server. I use an FTP utility to upload my sites. First I publish my site to a folder on my desktop, then connect to my directory on my web server, and I add, copy or replace the necessary files. Xara's built in publishing utility is fine for publishing but it does not let you edit the files on the server. A FTP utility will.

    In not, then I think you need to go through the same steps with the purchased MP4 that you did with the trial. Link to the MP4 file and then then republish your site. Make sure that your home page has the same extension. For example, if your HTML file for your home page, this is the file you save to when you publish your site, is called index.html and you save and publish your site as index.htm (no l) your changes will not appear because if the web browser sees two index files, it will automatically load the index.html file, even though it is older.

    It sounds like the HTML page is linking to the file but the file name has changed.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Donegal, Ireland

    Default Re: videofile not found??

    Hi Gary
    sorry for not replying sooner, I wanted to go through all your suggestions to the problem first. Could not find a solution by replacing the file though I tried several different ways. I found that when I changed back to the comp file which was a flash file, it worked fine so I downloaded a file convertor and converted the MPV file to flash, uploaded it and presto, worked no problem. Don't know why the MPV file would not work, but just glad it's fixed now. Thanks for your help.




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