It is definitely the Google Translate that is doing this on this member's site. I worked on it for him and with it removed his navbar works. I ran into a similar issue myself with a Webstyle4 .js navbar, a java script slideshow, and an embeded video in a WD5 web site. Too many <script> running( improperly written? )caused conflict in IE. I am sure a much more experienced web designer could tweak the codes to make it all work but it was beyond me.

Just like on this member's site mine worked fine in FF but not IE. On his site it caused performance issues with the navbar whereas on mine it just wiped out 2 of the 3 things mentioned. I could not get all 3 to work properly at the same time. I could get the video and then either the navbar or the sldieshow to work but never all 3 at the same time. I finally solved it by using a flash(.swf) slideshow thanks to Sledger's suggestion.

FWIW when I add the Google Translate code to that site of mine it wipes out those 3 things completely. Even the video and flash(.swf) slideshow???