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  1. #11

    Default Re: Record Company web site

    1 - I actually like the site a lot better with the background a solid color. It was just too hard to focus on everything with the grafiti around the edge like that. Question??? Is that medium pea green the color you will keep for the edge? I think a really dark blue, maroon, or black might look better. Just a thought.

    2 - Removing the music would increase speed dramatically. How big is your Mp3 file? While MIDI files are never as "fancy" as actual singing if the client is determined to have music run in the background try and use a MIDI( if possible ). A lot of MIDI's sound cheesy but they can also sound really good too.

    A poor or average quality MP3 is generally at least 500MB or more while a high quality MIDI is 75 -100KB tops. Makes a big difference in load speeds. You will never get the page to load super fast for everyone if you run an MP3 in the background unless you get the file size way down. Doing that will ruin the sound quality unfortunately.

    Also, for what this is worth the current MP3 you are using doesn't sound very good to me( I actually didn't listen to it the last time there ). Not judging the music strictly speaking about sound quality. The music part of it is fine but the voices are thin, weak, and seem to have a slight echo effect. I actually have a really good sound system hooked to my computer and it sounds like a low bitrate recording to keep the file size down.

    I would also suggest adjusting your music code to provide an ON/OFF switch for visitors that do not want to listen to the music. Place at or near the top of the page as well so it is easy to find.

    Not being a jerk here. Just trying to offer some help and constructive criticism.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Birmingham, England / Javea, Espana

    Default Re: Record Company web site

    Thanks for the coments.
    1. I prefer the site without the graffiti as well though the final colour of the surround I haven’t decided on as yet, but it needs to be darker and sampled from the main page somewhere most likely.
    2. Removing the music from a music web site would be a step in the wrong direction I feel so that’s out of the question, it being the reason for the site in the first place.
    I would argue with your estimation that a poor or average quality mp3 comes in around 500mb!? Even if you’ve added an extra 0 by mistake there it seems very excessive. A modest length track (3-4mins) using variable bit rate would be 5-10mb I would guess and the ones provided were less than that. Given that I think that MP3s were the biggest step backward in sound reproduction quality since the onset of CDs I can’t say I listen to a great many but what I do listen too are through a Naim amp into admittedly aging Leak speakers and I have to say I’ve heard a lot worse, though this sort of stuff is all top and bottom with scant regard to the midrange. I’m not one to judge as regards this sort of music as I would normally leave the room when exposed to it but as its provided for me to insert on the site I can’t mess with it, (nor am I paid to do so even if I was qualified and equiped).
    And yes, an on/off switch is on my ‘to do’ list. If only for my own use.
    cheers, Derek

  3. #13

    Default Re: Record Company web site

    Quote Originally Posted by masque View Post
    Thanks for the coments.
    1. I prefer the site without the graffiti as well though the final colour of the surround I haven’t decided on as yet, but it needs to be darker and sampled from the main page somewhere most likely.
    2. Removing the music from a music web site would be a step in the wrong direction I feel so that’s out of the question, it being the reason for the site in the first place.
    I would argue with your estimation that a poor or average quality mp3 comes in around 500mb!? Even if you’ve added an extra 0 by mistake there it seems very excessive. A modest length track (3-4mins) using variable bit rate would be 5-10mb I would guess and the ones provided were less than that. Given that I think that MP3s were the biggest step backward in sound reproduction quality since the onset of CDs I can’t say I listen to a great many but what I do listen too are through a Naim amp into admittedly aging Leak speakers and I have to say I’ve heard a lot worse, though this sort of stuff is all top and bottom with scant regard to the midrange. I’m not one to judge as regards this sort of music as I would normally leave the room when exposed to it but as its provided for me to insert on the site I can’t mess with it, (nor am I paid to do so even if I was qualified and equiped).
    And yes, an on/off switch is on my ‘to do’ list. If only for my own use.
    cheers, Derek
    Yeah, I messed up on the MP3 file size. Was rushing when I posted. I have used MP3's a lot actually and generally they are 500KB( not MB ) and higher for the lowest quality that sounds even close to ok. When I have used them as a rule they run 500-750KB which is a compromise between file size and sound quality.

    Usually it is 1MB and higher for something decent. As a rule your average song right off a CD will be 3-4MB +/- in size. Sorry about that. That is what happens when you rush and don't proof read. 500KB-1MB is still a large file for many people however and not doubt it will slow load time even for those with DSL and cable.

    Today most folks do have faster service so it isn't a killer as it would be if we were still in the days of 28K dial up modems. You were trying to reduce the page load speed so I just thought I would mention how much faster it would be with no music( I understand it is needed here )or with a MIDI if possible over a MP3 type file. That's all.

    As to the edge color. I took a screen snap shot and then played around with various colors and to me black looks best. Makes the page jump right out at you.

    I feel the same as you about the type of music. Makes me nauseaus. Just thought I would point out that it is very soft/weak( voices )and there is some echo. Figured a record company would care about that sort of thing. I have some really awesome Yamaha speakers and a top of the line sound card and the quality of that song to me was poor. Maybe it is just my take on that kind of music all around? I understand it is what you were given and no offense was meant.

    Good luck with it all.

    EDIT - I just checked it out and this is a 1.91MB file( 1.40 time and 160KB bitrate ). If the record company can reduce the bitrate to something a bit lower and get it down to 1MB or less in size it will help you out a lot. Basically 2 MB for that song is definitely slowing your page load speed down.
    Last edited by gsthunder; 08 August 2010 at 02:44 PM.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Record Company web site


    You need to consider your market. Most of the people who visit this site may also be downloading music. The site loads very quickly for me. And as long as I don't have time for dinner and a cigar while waiting for the page to load, I have no problems.




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