Quote Originally Posted by tgm1024 View Post
once a grouped bunch of objects are skewed, I cannot UNgroup them into the component (albeit still skewed) objects.
I have just tried this in XDP6 and I can group objects, skew them and ungroup them with the skew remaining applied. same with rotation and re-sizing.

The new darker interface of version 6 may take getting used to and the new drop down menus (no click, just hover over) but I find version 6 to be a major improvement.

As to other vector graphics programs, I've tried Inkscape and it confuses me to no end. I am not a professional and I am only a hack as an artist, but I find Xara to be the easiest and fastest program.

The best way to learn is to do the tutorials, especially at Xara Xone and check out the movies from the help menu.