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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    WD6 Dynamic page (Tweaks) with iFrame

    Hi all,
    I have modified the "Dynamic page" of WD6 Tweaks in order to use an iFrame vertically resizing the page depending on the size of the content of the iFrame.

    I'm almost satisfied of the result, which you can see here:

    The iframe contains a .asp page that dynamically creates a table (default 100 rows, 10 columns) and that can receive parameters. So it possible to modify the table dimensions.

    I have two things to solve and I need some help.

    Watching in the javascript code of the page you can find this line:
    if(dc){var h0=parseInt(dc.parentNode.style.height)-dxh-115;

    115 is the height of the footer but it would be better to express it dynamically. Could anybody help me please?

    Furthermore I would like to put a template for this page into the gallery or create a .xar file in order to reuse and share the template but I have no idea on how to do so.

    Obviously, any suggestion, adjustment or comment is welcome.

    Thank you in advance and kind regards.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Dynamic page (Tweaks) with iFrame

    Sorry, I can't be of help, but I hope you get a reply because this would be a great ability.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Dynamic page (Tweaks) with iFrame

    Quote Originally Posted by alpi View Post
    I'm almost satisfied of the result, which you can see here:
    What's the point?
    You are just replacing the iframe scroll bar with a browser window scroll bar for a page of that length which is less elegant and means any graphics or information at the top of the parent page is out of view when scrolling.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Canton, GA

    Default Re: Dynamic page (Tweaks) with iFrame

    sledger - I don't know that I agree on this. I think that iframes are really handy and great ways to deal with certain circumstances, but usually I wind up using the to "get around an issue" that isn't readily and easily supported in Xara - like a Blog or whatever else might go in and need to be dynamically sized.

    When I go to a site that has a scrollable area inside of another scrollable area, that's the worst for me, because it can be frustrating to get the content I wna to see in the "view finder" that I have in my browser. Where I have the mouse when using the scroll bar can really mess with my website usability, which is a pretty important metric these days.

    I don't mind too much if an area scrolls inside of another area that would fit in a typical browser window, but I really just don't care for scrollable inside of scrollable.

    I need to take another look at this tweak and see if I can make it work. It could be valuable to me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Re: Dynamic page (Tweaks) with iFrame

    Quote Originally Posted by sledger View Post
    What's the point?
    You are just replacing the iframe scroll bar with a browser window scroll bar for a page of that length which is less elegant and means any graphics or information at the top of the parent page is out of view when scrolling.
    Hi Sledger,
    the point is same as you ask for a beer to who has not it and he replies you that orangeade is better.

    I'm happy to know your tastes even if that doesn't help me at all.

    Best regards.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Canton, GA

    Default Re: Dynamic page (Tweaks) with iFrame

    To clarify two points:

    1. I meant to say "where I have the mouse cursor when using the mouse wheel causes different areas to scroll when that might have been my intent"

    2. when I said I don't care for a scrollable inside I scrollable, I mean that I don't mind a scrollable iframe on a page that is vertically short enough that the browser scroll bar wouldn't be typically needed in "standard resolutions".

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    SC, USA

    Default Re: Dynamic page (Tweaks) with iFrame

    I am also interested in this. I use php includes instead of iframes for SEO purposes. What might be interesting is a scrollable iframe in a static position on the page and the rest of the page being scrollable when called for by the browser. That way the iframe/php include is always in view.

    I am not up to speed on the dynamic page tweaks so go easy on me if the static iframe/php include option can already be achieved within a dynamic page.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Dynamic page (Tweaks) with iFrame

    The point for me is I have the capability to run sharepoint services on my server. Easily integrating WSS lists into Xara Designer pages would greatly enhance capabilities. I guess those who mainly see Xara as a graphical website designer don't approach things from a datacentric viewpoint or fail to understand the opportunities for some of us.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Re: Dynamic page (Tweaks) with iFrame

    Hi Zumwalt,
    unfortunately I cannot use WSS.

    I need to show some dynamic pages some of which on a different server.

    I think that from every viewpoint not having the possibility to dynamically resize a page is a great restriction and that scrolling an iframe often disconcerts the user especially when scrolls also the page.

    IMHO from a datacentric viewpoint, when feasible, all resides in the DB where I can see no space for Xara.

  10. #10

    Thumbs up Re: Dynamic page (Tweaks) with iFrame

    Cool! This one works alpi! Thanks a lot! Very useful.




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