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Thread: Redesigned

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Hautes Pyrénées, France

    Default Re: Redesigned

    Quote Originally Posted by salaam View Post
    Nice site, it looks very American.
    It is very American, lol.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Redesigned

    Quote Originally Posted by gsthunder View Post
    No need for with. It is grammatically correct as is.
    as is what?

    Got to support salaam here, strictly speaking this is slang, it is speech pattern not prose - of course you may not mind this which is fine, it all depends on the demographic of the customers that you are needing to impress..

    grammatically what you are saying on your site is that you provide three things, the first of which is
    'our customers high quality service'
    followed by 'professionalism' and then 'integrity'

    but you are not provding or facillitating the high quality service of your customers you are providing high quality service to them... providing them with it in fact...
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  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Hautes Pyrénées, France

    Default Re: Redesigned

    They're both right about the "with", gsthunder, unless this is an americanism that has been incorporated into the EN-US grammar (and I wouldn't know about that). But it's not propah ingrish.

  4. #14

    Default Re: Redesigned


    Some of you must be bored or something? The first thing we all should keep in mind is that this is a business motto not a sentence in a college thesis. So right there you have some leeway. However, with that said, what I wrote is still grammatically correct. I always try and use proper grammar whenever possible. That is how I was brought up( both my parents and one sibling went to school to be teachers ).

    Using "with" as some of you suggested is correct as well. No argument from me on that point. Actually, there are three ways the motto could be written without any major changes and still be grammatically correct....

    1 - Providing our customers high quality service, professionalism, and integrity.
    2 - Providing our customers with high quality service, professionalism, and integrity.
    3 - Providing our customers high quality service with professionalism and integrity.

    * - modern grammar would remove the coma after professionalism in 1 and 2 above. I was taught to use it. Thought I should mention I was aware of the different ways comas may be used before anyone jumps on that next.

    Why I am right about the motto as it is presently constituted...

    Webster's New World Dictionary: School & Office Edition
    Provide( vided, viding ): v.t. & v.i.
    1(transitive ) - to get ready before hand
    1( intransitive ) - to prepare for or against a possible situation
    2( transitive ) - to make available; supply
    2( intransitive ) - to stipulate
    3( transitive ) - to furnish(with)
    3( intransitive ) - to furnish support(for)

    v.t. = Transitive Verb. Has both a direct subject and one or more objects
    v.i. = Intransitive Verb. Does not have an object

    Providing our customers high quality service, professionalism, and integrity

    Providing( in this instance ) = v.t.
    customers = subject
    service/professionalism/integrity = object(s)

    In reference Line 2 v.t. above R. Downing Quality Homes, LLC is supplying( providing )their customers the following three things = high quality service, professionalism, and integrity.

    Service = craftsmanship level
    Professionalism = they do what they say they will and when, no swearing on job site, house is cleaned after, etc...
    Integrity = they abide by their estimates and contract conditions( i.e. $$$ ), always tell the truth to the customer, etc...

    So when I use the motto as phrased it is actually grammatically correct. Their business is supplying their customers those three things. This is not to say it is incorrect using "with". As I previously mentioned there are three ways this could be said and all three as acceptable.

    I have run this by a few people with the credentials to offer an educated answer.

    My Dad. 30 years as a school teacher/principal. 10 years specifically teaching English. Bachelors Degree from Keene State(NH) University in Education. He actually has the credits for his Master's Degree in Education.

    Sister #1. Has never graduated any level of education with less than a 4.0 GPA. Bachelor's Degree from Massachusetts Institue Of Technology(MIT) in computer engineering/software. Master's Degree from Harvard. Currently working on her Doctorate.

    Sister #2. Bachelors Degree in Education from Keene Sate(NH) University. She never ended up teaching as she got married and started a family instead but she has the degree.

    Friend. This man was consulted more from a business standpoint than for his education although he does have an Associates Degree from the University Of New Hampshire(UNH) in Business. I wanted him to look at it more from a businessman's standpoint.

    All four people have concluded that what I have written is grammatically correct as well as clear( i.e. not confusing ). My Sister(MIT) would probably have used option #3 but she was perfectly fine with what I have used. Her reason was more of a writing style issue than a grammar issue.

    I realize this may seem like an over the top response but I felt it was worth the time. I always accept criticism and will admit when wrong but in this case I am not.

    Have a nice day to all.

  5. #15

    Default Re: Redesigned

    Quote Originally Posted by sledger View Post
    I agree with xtom, and if you are using WD6 you can easily embed it as an .mp4 or .flv

    Here's a very useful and free slideshow creator that will will work with Photos, movies clips and audio files.

    With WD6, you can hide the controls by placing an object over them.
    (You will need to add wmode="transparent" to the embed code)

    Alternatively, you can create your own flash slide show using the Web Designer animation tools.
    See the xaraxone guest tutorial #71

    Technically, it's the most 'used' browser rather than the most popular
    Hey Sledger;

    Just wanted to let you know I used the Animation feature of WD5 and made the slideshow. I have no clue why I didn't think of that before. What a moron. It was SO EASY!

    That even had a small issue though. I originally used the placeholder function to insert it into the page. The code WD5 used to run it caused the embeded flash movie to fail however. I had to use a different code and manually enter it in the HTML panel to embed the .swf and have everything to work.

    It all works now and best of all the way I wanted it to. Thank you very much for the suggestion.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada.

    Default Re: Redesigned

    Quote Originally Posted by gsthunder View Post
    .........and will admit when wrong but in this case I am not .....
    I also disagree. No matter who you've asked, the sentence is grammatically incorrect. None of the references you have supplied have actually supported your case, they've just been stated as verbs or sentence structure. Of course, this could be the difference between American English and English!
    There are 10 types of people in this world .... Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Leicester U.K. Fox county

    Default Re: Redesigned

    Thanks for showing us your research gsthunder. If I had such academic support I wouldn't see the need in changing it either.
    As suggested it must be an American thing.

    I'm glad you like my observation Frank. Americans like to use their faces; 'mug shots' to sell. Over here, only politicians do this (and we are taught not to trust them anyway). But apart from that it has that USA 'real estate' look.

    Oh yeah, the thread title! It maybe apt to your posting but it is also apt to many others. IMO titles should be unique to the thread to facilitate easier browsing and searching. If I want to return to this thread at a later date, I will use search words relevent to my memories of your web site.

    Could you comment on my site as I am feeling a little guilty over giving you so much headache over your site.
    True love is the ultimate truth

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Redesigned

    well now there's a thing...

    no one ever said it was confusing.. just incorrect grammer

    BTW: you misunderstand subjective: the subject of your business motto is implied, and it is R. Downing Quality Homes, LLC who are doing the providing; all the other nouns in it are objects

    still no matter - TG is not an English forum, just thought it worth pointing out..
    Last edited by handrawn; 26 July 2010 at 09:50 PM. Reason: its a third party motto
    Nothing lasts forever...

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Hautes Pyrénées, France

    Default Re: Redesigned

    It makes no sense at all in French, that's for sure. Tell your dad from me I think he's a hero. Anybody who can stand teaching for 30 years has to be a superhero.

    Back on topic... what was the topic again...?

  10. #20

    Default Re: Redesigned

    The site owner likes it and the target audience seems to understand it so that is all that matters to me. I certainly am not losing sleep over someone from France or the UK picking my site apart over a "with".

    I was bored myself this AM with a little time to kill so I responded as I did to those questioning the grammar issue. I stand behind what I have posted as to the grammar being correct however and I have some very highly educated folks supporting my position. Used on that site, where it is placed as their business motto( slogan ), it is 100% fine. It is grammatically correct for it's use. Maybe I did not convey my meaning clearly on that point?

    Obviously I would not write it the same way if I were doing so in a brochure, or even a paragraph on the site itself, if I was describing the business. That would be something like "we provide", "RDQH provides", etc... As written it is not a complete sentence and I never intended to say it was. For use as a motto or business slogan as I was doing it is perfectly acceptable and clear. It is correct grammatically for a motto/slogan as well.

    I do think the issue with some of you is based on where you are at. I know someone mentioned it makes no sense in French. Another poster chopped it up into pieces which showed it was being read incorrectly( they had the flow of it wrong ). English( American English if that makes you feel better )does not translate well in other languages and vice versa. I took Spanish in high school and had a heck of a time because the translations made no sense. I do understand what some of you overseas are saying but I have to worry about people here understanding the site.

    The way different cultures put sentences together and the way they say things overall varies greatly. Some of that is happening here I think. Folks from the USA will have no trouble with it. What I did is a very common and accepted way to write things when used in this manner as a motto or business slogan.

    That will be my last word on the grammar debate. As the other poster mentioned this is not a grammar forum but I wanted to make these last few points before moving on.

    To those who offered their honest feedback and constructive criticism on the site as a whole, and to those who offered help with the slideshow issue I had, my most sincere thanks. Hopefully someday I can return the favor.

    Cheers to all and have a great day.
    Last edited by gsthunder; 26 July 2010 at 11:52 PM.




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