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  1. #1

    Default Automailing and Autocalling

    This isn't exactly a XWD6 question but it is a web design question.

    I am designing a website for a PBS program that has been picked up locally but which the producers will market nationally.

    They want a "widget" that allows visitors to their website to "contact their local PBS station" about the program.

    I've seen automated letter writing widgets and automatic phone calling widgets (mostly for political causes) where the user selects their state or enters a zip code and the widget's database returns the relevant entry and they can send and email and/or call directly right from the webpage.

    I know XWD can't do that but I'm trying to find out who is providing that service so I can contact them to get pricing on set up and use. Or if there's already a piece of software out there, I'd love to pick it up. Every place I've tried to find out who is providing the service appears to be white-labeled. I have tried googling different search terms but I'm stuck.

    Does anyone know of any service that provides this? Any fresh ideas for google search terms (automated email; automate phone calls from site; phone activism; software to allow visitors to contact X....none of these are returning results I'm looking for. I can't help feeling like I;m missing the "right" search term and that there are tons of companies out there doing exactly this if only I could find the right descriptor).


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Automailing and Autocalling

    I wonder if PBS might have a resource for this? Or even your local PBS station.

    It must already exist somewhere and if possible you do not want to reinvent the wheel.

    Maybe you can contact the webmaster at PBS.org.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Automailing and Autocalling

    Its sort of complicated but there's no "webmaster" for PBS.

    Programs have a couple of options when it comes to websites.

    1) if a producer is going through the national PBS programming process, they can submit a sideline proposal to build an accompanying website for their program. If they do that and the site is to go on PBS' website as pbs.nameofprogram.com there are very strict accessibility requirements (and I wouldn't be using XWD but rather Dreamweaver). BTW the producer is responsible to the construction and upkeep of the site, not PBS.

    2) if a producer is going local with a program picked up by a local station then they can create a website according to the above specs or they can make their own website but it won't be linked from the PBS websiteas it's not an "official" PBS website.

    This producer has had the program picked up by 6 local stations but wants to market and promote the program in other markets. He wants to have a website to facilitate people learning more about the program and contacting their local station in hopes that the local station will inquire about licensing and growing the viewership and distribution of the program organically that way. He plans to use social networking, and traditional advertising and marketing to accomplish this and wants a nice website that helps increase the likelihood of people contacting their local stations.


    Thanks for your answer anyway though!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Canton, GA

    Default Re: Automailing and Autocalling

    It depends on how complex you want it to be. For the most part, what you just asked for could be accomplished with an html form, a little bit of php code, and a mysql database with a handful of fields.

    Pretty much anyone who knows some php ought to be able to throw something like this together pretty quickly and cost-effectively. Adding some extras like validated fields and such would add some more work/time.

    I did a simpler version of the same for a form that takes the state that they click on from an image map and automatically fills in that state on the contact form it takes them to. Simpler for sure, but conceptually similar. I've also done a number of sites that require a database to be read and the appropriate content be shown according to the choices made. I can't link you to any of them because they all require a login to see the database parts!

    Hope that helps point you in the right direction.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Canton, GA

    Default Re: Automailing and Autocalling

    BTW: I'm only addressing the auto mailing part. I don't know how to do the dialing and such for SMS or similar. I'm sure there are applications available, but I don't know what they are.




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