Quote Originally Posted by kerma View Post

One more Q please,if I download PSP X2 and AS 3 in my system which has Windows XP OS,would the export button work?
I assume you mean the export button in Animation Shop (I haven't used it in many years)? As indicated in earlier posts, the old Jasc AS is obsolete, and versions of PSP post ver. 9 were not designed to support AS.

For animations, I suggest you look at Xara Photo & Web Designer 6, supported elsewhere on this board.

If you're a PSP fan, be aware that the software is now in version 13, officially called Corel PaintShop Photo Pro X3, and a second patch for X3 was released a few weeks ago. Among power users, Corel has a reputation for releasing buggy versions of PSP since they acquired the program from Jasc. Other users seem to be completely satisfied. The emphasis of the software has been shifted to support for photographers.

Some of the best advice on PSP -- past and present -- can be obtained in the forum maintained by the Paint Shop Pro Users Group.