Hello John, thanks for your reply, but :

my brains won't eat it yet.

Take this forumpage, I've set my FF window in such a way that I see,
1 - from border to border 1036 pixels wide, scrollbar not included
2 - blue bar with topic review / topic / reply to thread : 967 px wide
3 - left zone gray and white 44 px
4 - right zone white 25 px.
5 - white zone in total 1018 px

I have to set the page-width on 967 px or 1036 px ?
Probably 1036 because otherwise the layout is gone, next to the google searchform, or 1018 like the white colored zone.

And back to my example mentioned in my first item, affilite elite with url,
again I see a total width of 1036 px,
1 - white zone left 182 px
2 - text part in the middle let's say 660 px
3 - white zone right 194 px

page width on 1036 or 660 px ?

Codepage / doctype is clear, I understand the position of the trackingcode, but what is this and where is it used for.