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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Choosing folders for assets


    i just purchased WD6.
    i'm using another competing product at the moment but i'm thinking strongly of migrating to WD6.

    i created a quick site just for testing and i noticed that all assets; graphics, pdf files, scripts etc... all end up in the "" index_htm_files" folder.

    i would like if Xara could modify WD6 in the future so we can choose which folder some assets should go.

    i can imagine the confusion of trying to manage a site where many images and PDFs are all in one folder.


    PS: is there a workaround at the moment for this situation?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Choosing folders for assets

    Hello Vincent and welcome to TG.

    Actually having all assets (as in NetObjects Fusion Assets?) in one folder is very convenient. At least for me it is.

    I am a long time user of NetObjects Fusion (versions 3-11) and have always found looking for something in the published Assets file tedious because of the myriad layers.

    Like any new program, I think you just need to work with it a while and get the feel for the simplicity.

    Other than that, there is no workaround aside from creating sub folders and then changing the HTML script, and changing it again each time you change your page.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Re: Choosing folders for assets

    thanks for the input.

    being into graphic design i really like how WD6 handle this side of building a site.
    i'll spend times learning the program soon.





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