Even though this is working ok, it is still bugging me what the initial problem is.

I went back to a backup from earlier this afternoon and found a version that was resizing to 1/4 size.

It appears that the issue is created because I am embedding the flash into a placeholder that is on the very (top) edge of the page. I may have set the placeholder to be a fraction of a pixel outside the top of the page.

In addition, it may also be that the resultant .swf file is of a slightly different dimension to the placeholder. However, this is one that I'm having difficulty in confirming.

Any idea of the easiest way to get the dimensions of an swf file? I've looked, but can't see where or how this can be displayed without resorting to writing some java or php, then embedding the reference to the swf file into that code.

Any pointers as to how to extract the dimensions of an swf file? I'm sure I'm missing some obvious method here.

