Quote Originally Posted by Trev View Post
As I don't have a problem but then I'm using 32bit. I can only assume its a 64 bit problem. Now the good news Bot Productions Make a PSP thumbnail handler and a 64 bit Version http://www.botproductions.com/pspthumb/index.html
I installed the PSP Thumbnail handler soon after I converted my system to Windows 7 64-bit late last year. No problem with PSPX2 thumbnails then.

After losing the thumbnails with my X3 installation, I tried several experiments, knowing I had the handler on my system, but nothing worked. I even saved a PSPImage file in versions 8 through 12, hoping at least one of the earlier versions would have a thumbnail. But, no thumbnail.

I then uninstalled the thumbnail handler and reinstalled it. Finally, I have PSPImage thumbnails.

But that doesn't get Corel off the hook, in my opinion. They should produce a file format that more closely follows Windows conventions and stop trying to be like Adobe!
