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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Question Can't install Template Pack 1

    OK... Here's my dilemma.
    I bought X5 to do a quick website not realizing that it only came with one example template and NO button templates. It appears that I will have to wait up to 28 days to get the CD with the useful templates.

    So... I bought the Template Pack 1 to be able to create the website now. It downloaded fine, but when I click to install it, I get an error that says "There were no compatible products found on this computer."

    The email I got after buying Xtreme says "This is your Serial Number for the trial download: .... " and then has the serial number. Does this mean I am still using a "trial" version until I get the CD and that is why the Template Pack 1 will not install?

    I am REALLY frustrated at this point since I have the program but cannot fully use it.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Can't install Template Pack 1

    Woolfie, as stated in this thread:
    And at xara.com
    The template packs are for the CD versions only.
    I'm afraid you will have to wait until your CD arrives.

    The unlocked trial versions are not crippled in any way, they are just smaller downloads because they don't include all the designs/clipart/fonts/movies ect that you get with the CD.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Arrow Re: Can't install Template Pack 1

    Sorry about the multiple posts but it should indicate how desperate I am.

    However, I had posted earlier asking about Template Packs and saw your reply to Cricri with a link which I followed and used to buy the Pack. Please note that it says NOTHING about being for the CD version.

    Also, the thread you reference appears to be about the 5.1.2 update and does mention Template Pack 1.

    My frustration is fueled by incomplete information on their website. If I had known that I couldn't actually use it until I got the CD, I would have gone elsewhere. The site should clearly state what you get and when you get it.

    The site is actually misleading because a reasonable person would assume that, since you download the software, you should be able to FULLY use it once you pay for it and get a Serial Number. Nowhere does it say that you are even getting a CD until AFTER you have bought it.

    I apologize to you for being rude or confrontational about this. I am just totally frustrated.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Can't install Template Pack 1

    Yes you're right I referenced the wrong threads, sorry about that.
    I looked at Xara's site regarding the template pack, I'll shoot off an email and mention the lack of clarity.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Can't install Template Pack 1

    Xara have now updated their webpage:

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Arrow Re: Can't install Template Pack 1

    Thanks for the note.

    I had done a support ticket on this, too and the reply I got was to re-install Xtreme.
    Does this mean there are actually some other templates that I am not seeing? Or is there just the one and no button templates?
    Again the site is NOT clear on what you actually get with the "trial" version that I am now saddled with.
    Sorry to ask you but you appear to know more than their staff and are MUCH quicker in responding.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Birmingham, England / Javea, Espana

    Default Re: Can't install Template Pack 1

    Just to jump in here in case Steve has gone to bed or having breakfast or whatever happens in Australia around now. There are templates with Web Designer and Xtreme 5 and as far as I can remember you do get them with the download.
    I also know that when I installed X5 from the CD the templates did not install though retrying repaired that.
    I would try re-installing or even re-downloading your software as I'm sure you should have at least some templates - can't remember how many but certainly more than one.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Squamish, BC, Canada

    Default Re: Can't install Template Pack 1

    Hi Derek,

    No, I don't think that's correct. I didn't get the templates until I got the CDs for XX5/XX5 Pro and I've read many posts to that effect on the forum. Are you sure you were able to get the templates on the download only?

    All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.
    -Gandalf (from Lord of the Rings) - Xara s/w - Xara Designer Pro X11

  9. #9

    Default Re: Can't install Template Pack 1

    The trial version of Web Designer includes access to a demo set of templates which are available from the Design Gallery 'Get Designs' button which starts the download process from the Xara server, so you must be connected to the internet for this.
    The full template pack is available to licensed users (program unlocked) and the new Template Pack 1 recently announced will only install on a licensed version.
    There are no CD's available for Web Designer, it's a download only application.

    Xtreme is similar in-so-far-as downloadable templates are concerned, however the full included set are supplied on the installation CD as *part of the installation* (compressed in .cab files)
    The new Template Pack 1 recently announced will only install on a licensed version that you have installed from the CD.
    Last edited by steve.ledger; 10 December 2009 at 10:33 PM.




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