This is actually a good example of what might be accieved using javascript/jQuery.
If you in Xara choose to add a text tooltip to an object that will be implemented automatically by Xara to a SPAN tag with a TITLEattribute. Now excuse me for being a little technical, but using the brilliant selector engine of jQuery you can select all such elements and apply - for instance the mentioned tooltip plugin, and thereby get well, another tooltip type.
Here is the selector (for the technical minded ):
That will return all standard tooltips on the page, and from there it is easy using jQuery plug-ins to apply some behavior to each of the elements.
Don't worrie if you are a graphical nerd - this coding related thread will soon relocate to some other place What I however hope to deliver to this forum are some easy-to-use new features for the program which we all love to use!
"Everything has two sides"
"Everything has two sides"
Here is the first code - and at the same time the place to share the code in this project.
It should be saved along with "roe.js" and included (manually/placeholder) into a HTML file generated by Xara. It does nothing much, just locks the calls made from Xara. Oh and I have tried to turn off all the "document.onmousemove" eventhandler... Here goes!
"Everything has two sides"
Why have you disabled onmousemove handler?
Hi John,
For starters - this first upload is done late last night and at this state I am only trying to get an overview of what is going on in the Xara javascript library.
I find it bad practice to attach code to global code, unless you cannot do it smarter. Every time the mouse is moved a call is made to the global eventhandler (potentially slowing the page down).
I expect that the elements on the page which needs attention should hook onto events as a situation occures. Like if you move over an element which shows a popup, at that time register a mousemove listener. When the mousemove listener is no longer relevant for that element, remove it again.
Oh and please let me stress that I have not tried to do such collaborative coding before accross the web. I do not expect the discussion on how it should be done/implemented to take place here. Anyone have any experience how to do that?
"Everything has two sides"
Bugzilla is server software designed to help you manage software development.
Could be a useful discussion/collaboration tool
I have decided to try another approach. I have created a Xara document which serves an a test page, project description and version history page.
That also means that for now the github online source library will not be used (for now).
The actual javascript library has a working title "XXExt.js" and resides beside the exported HTML files and is called "XXExt.js". A ZIP file containing everything you need to run it locally can be found here:
You can view the alpha version () of the library here:
If you wish to add some code or have comments you are welcome to send them to me.
"Everything has two sides"