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  1. #31

    Default Re: Egg's Video Tutorials

    Quote Originally Posted by Boy View Post
    However, one sticky -- locked and with only one post -- that would list all the links to the available resources (tuts, workbooks, newsletters, manuals, etc.) and relevant forum threads would be very handy. Each link could be accompanied with a short description and a comment about the author's connection to Xara.
    If you could go through every Xara forum and thread therein, pick out then collate each of the suggested tuts, workbooks, newsletters, manuals, etc into an ordered list with a short description and author notes, we would be happy to discuss your suggestion in the Moderators forum.

    Thank you

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    ...Granada province, Andalucia, Spain

    Default Re: Egg's Video Tutorials

    Of course, I suppose you could have a Sticky forum. The place where all of the stickies could live.

    Back on topic, What sort of Abstract Art style is wanted, does it have a name, or can it be likened to something such as "Mondrian" or "Jackson Pollack"?
    ** Detailed "Create A Spinning Logo Tutorial" is available in .pdf format for download at this link **
    Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. Groucho Marx.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Egg's Video Tutorials

    Quote Originally Posted by sledger View Post
    If you could go through every Xara forum and thread therein, pick out then collate each of the suggested tuts, workbooks, newsletters, manuals, etc into an ordered list with a short description and author notes, we would be happy to discuss your suggestion in the Moderators forum.

    Thank you
    I have an easier and more effective solution. Start with a sticky that lists the resources that are already well known (but not necessarily easy to be found), such as Gary Priester's tuts, Xara's newsletter archive, Egg's videos, Xhris' videos. When users suggest to add additional resources/links, the Moderators forum can decide what goes in and what does not.

  4. #34

    Default Re: Egg's Video Tutorials

    Quote Originally Posted by Boy View Post
    ... (but not necessarily easy to be found).
    Have you had a chance to check the Tips and Tricks forum?
    Aside from all the user submitted T&T's (dating back to 2001!), there are listed collections such as:

    Tutorials (with thumbnails and short descriptions)
    Video Tutorials index.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Egg's Video Tutorials

    Yes, I have seen those and I have tried out a few of the (video) tuts in the past. Please note, though, that the video list hasn't been updated since 2006 and the tutorial list not since 2007.

    However, your last post is how I imagine the one-post sticky thread to look like more or less. One post, with links and short descriptions, but then more complete and kept updated. I especially would like to see such a list for XWD resources and I believe that many forum visitors would like it.

    I understand that you guys are volunteers and have other things to do beside moderating. So, I am quite willing to put together a collection of available XWD resources but if it is not being stickied, it will only be a thing that will just get lost in 'the big (and rapidly growing) pile'. That's why I suggested that you guys do it.

  6. #36

    Default Re: Egg's Video Tutorials

    Quote Originally Posted by Boy View Post
    I am quite willing to put together a collection of available XWD resources but if it is not being stickied, it will only be a thing that will just get lost in 'the big (and rapidly growing) pile'. That's why I suggested that you guys do it.
    Your efforts would be certainly be much appreciated by all members and certainly all forum moderators. We encourage and applaud such willingness by any member wanting to contribute time and effort to the TG community as a whole.
    I would be quite happy to add your updated list to the stickies in the Tips and Tricks forum.

    Thanks for your interest

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Re: Egg's Video Tutorials


    I'm desperate I don't know what I'm doing wrong...
    I try to implement the Flash Navbar as explained in the tutorial ...

    So this is what I've done:

    1. New animation
    2. On Frame 1
    3. Create black rectangle 400W x 40H
    4. Name it as Background
    5. Within (on top) of the black rectangle, create a smaller white one 50W x 20H
    6. Name it as Button
    7. Rename Frame 1 into "Frame 1;STOP"
    8. Copy Frame 1
    9. On Frame 2, change the color of the Button
    10. Copy Frame 2
    11. On Frame 3, change again the color of the Button
    12. Rename Frame 2 into "Frame 2;GOTO Frame 3"
    13. Rename Frame 3 into "Frame 3;GOTO Frame 2"

    Then I defined the following attributes:

    1. On Frame 1;STOP
    2. In Mouseover of the Button as Jump to "Frame 2;GOTO Frame 3"
    3. On Frame 2;GOTO Frame 3
    4. In Mouseover of the Button as Jump to "Frame 3;GOTO Frame 2"
    5. On Frame 3;GOTO Frame 2
    6. In Mouseover of the Button as Jump to "Frame 2;GOTO Frame 3"

    A link is assigned to the Button in Frame 2 & 3 only.

    Testing this stage, cycles the colours of the Button between Frame 2 & 3 as soon as mouse is over the Button.
    In continues cycling when the mouse gets off the Button

    But, as soon as I specify in Frame 2 or 3 to jump to Frame 1;STOP in Mouseover of the Background, nothing happens anymore.

    So my question now is: what am I doing wrong?
    I work with XXP5 build

    Hoping somebody can help me with this one.

    Kind regards,


  8. #38
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Egg's Video Tutorials

    Hi Joly,

    Could you supply the link to that particular tutorial? Some were created at the dawn of time and trying to remember each one becomes more difficult with each receding year ;-)

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  9. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Re: Egg's Video Tutorials

    Hi Egg,

    The link is http://talkgraphics.com/showthread.php?t=40422 which you refered to in the first post of this thread. It is the one for creating animated Flash navigation bar and consists of 4 parts.

    I also provided the XAR-file, without the mouseover-definitions for the background in Frames 2 & 3.

    Hoping you can help me

    Thanks in advance,

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  10. #40
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Egg's Video Tutorials

    You can view all my videos by clicking here

    Minis Forum UM780XTX AMD Ryzen7 7840HS with AMD Radeon 780M Graphics + 32 GB Ram + MSI Optix Mag321 Curv monitor
    + 1Tb SSD + 232 GB SSD + 250 GB SSD portable drive + ISP = BT + Web Hosting = TSO Host



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