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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Dynamic resizing of web pages created by Xara

    The web pages created by Xara are of fixed width, is there a way to make them dynamically resize based on the viewers screen resolution?
    On stretch screens and most high res laptop screens there is a large amount of white space as I have not figured out how text would flow to fill the screen.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Toronto, Ontario

    Default Re: Dynamic resizing of web pages created by Xara

    XWD uses absolute positioning so page sizes are fixed. But most browsers now support a zoom feature (CTL-+) for instance, which seems to take care of the problem. This question has come up before and with this answer.
    Phil Thompson

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Default Re: Dynamic resizing of web pages created by Xara

    I thought that this only resizes the text on a Firefox browser page.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Dynamic resizing of web pages created by Xara

    Sigmation, all the latest browsers support total page zoom features now. Try Ctrl plus + or Ctrl plus -. To view at normal size, Ctrl + 0.

    Also remember that a text block taking up the whole of a screen, say over 1024 wide can become very difficult to read, trying to follow the next line of text. For this reason I alway browse with my browser window un-maximised.

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: Dynamic resizing of web pages created by Xara

    Appreciate your answers - all of which I read on a dynamically resized talkgraphic web page, that is, the window, expanded to fill my screen! The Ctrl+ increases the size of the fonts but it is not good UI to have a user constantly zoom in and out if they are jumping in and out of your page.
    Other web authoring software provide the option of defining screen elements (graphics box, text box, etc.) as a percentage of the screen in addition to pixel size, that might be one solution.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: Dynamic resizing of web pages created by Xara

    Quote Originally Posted by abizarl View Post
    Other web authoring software provide the option of defining screen elements (graphics box, text box, etc.) as a percentage of the screen
    Xara doesn't.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Dynamic resizing of web pages created by Xara

    Welcome to the Forums abizarl

    Quote Originally Posted by abizarl View Post
    Appreciate your answers - all of which I read on a dynamically resized talkgraphic web page, that is, the window, expanded to fill my screen!
    The Talkgraphics forum software (vBulletin) was not created by Xara, it is created by Jelsoft Enterprises. Xara hold the license to use it and host the software on their servers.

    Xara Web Designer and Xara Xtreme 5 are created by Xara and have been created to allow WYSIWYG design of a web site in what is fundamentally a vector drawing application.
    Neither are HTML editors.

    Dynamic resizing cannot be WYSIWYG.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Canton, GA

    Default Re: Dynamic resizing of web pages created by Xara

    I used to have a website that was dynamically resized. It looked absolutely silly on a hig resolution wide screen. Each of the paragraphs on the page, when max on one of those screens became a single line or maybe two that was hard to read and design-wise: ugly.

    I re-created my site using standard HTML and CSS and the first two things I did to it were to force it to a fixed width and browser-centered. This is getting more popular as people expect websites to look as good as their printed counterparts. When a page is allowed to flow freely to the browser size, the design goes out the window, whether you used WYSIWYG or standard tools.

    This is the same reasoning as to why people create PDF documents - aside from wide compatibility, they want people to see the document the way that it was designed, rather than however THEIR particular version of Word or whatever happened to render it.

    Certainly, there are reasons why you might want dynamic sizing, but this is usually in a case where the design is relatively unimportant, like on a forum such as this one. Covoxer provided a tweak to allow for the vertical growth of pages, allowing for things to be read from a DB or whatever. I've not used the tweak myself, but it's there to be used (free).

    Looking at my Analytics for my site, there have been no less than 15 different resolutions used to view it. If I want my site to have a certain look, there is no way with that many different browser resolutions to be able to maintain that look.

    MSN=centered, fixed width
    Bing=centered, fixed width (except for the top header)
    Yahoo=centered, fixed width
    xara.com=centered, fixed width (not made with Xara, btw)
    Expedia=left justified, fixed width (can be done is Xara with a tweak from the tweakset)
    hotels.com=left justified, fixed width

    Just a few examples of some of the most popular sites on the web.

    Hope that helps.



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