There are a few ways to do that RJ.

1 - Is to use the polygon lassoo and make a selection in the shape of your spotlight beam.Fill it with white and add some Gaussian blur,then set it to softlight or screen blend mode.

2 - Make a selection in the shape of your spotlight beam on your bg layer,then copy the slection to a new layer add a little g blur and set to screen or softlight etc.

3 - Make a slection like the shape of your spotlight beam and use a reflect gradient and blur and set to sofltlight or screen blend mode.

For the stars use your line tool and make a star type shape by making lines at different angles,then merge them all together and use g blur or motion blur.

For the circle spot shape use a round gradient and place that on top of a solid layer like blue in the image [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif[/img] ,and apply some blur if required and set to a blend mode of choice as well if required.

Try these ideas but just keep on experimenting [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif[/img] .......You can find some excellent tutes on how to do this sort of thing and more on Mark the Keepers guru site [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif[/img]

