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  1. #1

    Default New Sub-Forum for X5 Pro Web Design?

    Someone Here suggested a sub-forum to discuss Web Design in X5 Pro. I think that's a good idea. There are subtle differences between WD and X5 and I think X5 folks are approaching web design from a slightly different perspective. Might you consider this? What do you honchos think about this idea?
    What's the difference between an Orange? A motorcycle, because a telephone pole doesn't have any doors!

  2. #2

    Default Re: New Sub-Forum for X5 Pro Web Design?

    Thanks for the feedback and suggestion.

    This is presently being discussed by the TG moderators.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: New Sub-Forum for X5 Pro Web Design?

    this 'honcho' thinks its a great idea because:

    it will return things to how they were in the xtreme forum making it easier for those of us with approaching zero interest in web design to trawl through the posts we are interested in

    and the other way round too I guess..
    Nothing lasts forever...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast BC, Canada. In a beautiful part of BC's temperate rainforest

    Default Re: New Sub-Forum for X5 Pro Web Design?

    This idea gets a thumbs up from me too.

    I have an interest in both web design and graphic design, but having separate forums would still be helpful.

    Also a separate forum for posting web templates would be very helpful too. perhaps it could be in the section with the brushes, and tips forum, but consider perhaps keeping it unlocked and perhaps unlocking the brushes forum as well, more members would possibly contribute more new brushes as the brushes forum has stagnated the last time new brushes were added was over 2 years ago.
    My current Xara software: Designer Pro 365 12.6

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada.

    Default Re: New Sub-Forum for X5 Pro Web Design?

    It doesn't really matter to me, as I tend to read the forums by using the "new posts" section.

    However, it seems to me that having separate forums for XX5 Web Design and Xara Web Designer would mean that essentially the same content is being discussed in two forums. It seems more logical to have one forum. maybe change the forum name to "Xara Web Design". Although XWD and XX5 are different, the web design portions are almost identical.
    There are 10 types of people in this world .... Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

  6. #6

    Default Re: New Sub-Forum for X5 Pro Web Design?

    I feel the same as Keith - there is quite a vol and it would be great to have all the web stuff in one place.


  7. #7

    Default Re: New Sub-Forum for X5 Pro Web Design?

    Quote Originally Posted by ss-kalm View Post
    However, it seems to me that having separate forums for XX5 Web Design and Xara Web Designer would mean that essentially the same content is being discussed in two forums.
    I think you're completely right... I'd guess that much of both forums would discuss the same topics and both would often find similar solutions. Sometimes though, X5 solutions are/will be different from WD. Giving instructions to WD people about X5 solutions would be confusing to them and irritating to folks trying to give those instructions.

    What about people who have one program and not the other... Try telling a newby X5 user to click the "Move" button in the Layers gallery... I'll get a giggle out of it, but he won't!

    Quote Originally Posted by ss-kalm View Post
    Although XWD and XX5 are different, the web design portions are almost identical.
    The operative word there is 'Almost'. If the programs were identical, I think everybody would quickly agree that the suggested sub-forum would be redundant and unnecessary.

    I have wondered many times why Xara bigwigs chose to combine the two... I mean three programs. I have theories, but none of them make perfect sense. My favorite is that they melded X3D because it wasn't really upgradeable; it did what it did and it wasn't going to do much else. They threw it into Xtreme, called it an upgrade, and BAM! They sold the program to all the extreme users... $50, please. That worked so well, they figured maybe it would work with XWD.

    It made sense with X3D; at least the program's results were Graphic, but Web Design... in a graphics program? It's like including a butter knife with every pair of Nikes you buy. You might thank the fine folks at Nike when you butter your bread in the morning, but you're also going to wonder how the idea got past the focus groups.

    I digress.... Although WD and X5 are very similar in their web design abilities, they aren't Exactly the same, hence the need for a separate forum heading... respectfully.
    What's the difference between an Orange? A motorcycle, because a telephone pole doesn't have any doors!

  8. #8

    Default Re: New Sub-Forum for X5 Pro Web Design?

    Zupdude you are completely wrong.

    Since the early days, Xara X and then Xtreme has always been a 'web graphics' application as much as an Illustration program.
    Only recently (v5) has Xtreme dropped the NavBar builder.
    It's been able to create animations for the web, slice images and produce HTML to put the parts back, produce HTML image maps and export as flash (.swf) for the web.

    Since version 4, HTML output has received more attention and due to the success of this, XWD was released for those who 'only wanted to create web sites using wysiwyg tools and not interested in the advanced illustration tools that Xtreme offers.

    Marrying Xtreme with the new HTML features is a no brainer, but you are not being forced to upgrade, the choice is yours.
    If you have an older version of Xtreme you don't have to upgrade if you bought XWD - you can use it's advanced graphic features to create images for import (or copy'n'paste) into Web Designer. Nothing could be easier.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Surrey, BC, Canada

    Default Re: New Sub-Forum for X5 Pro Web Design?

    Having both programs I find it awkward to navigate to each forum Xara Web designer and Xar Xtreme are so far apart.
    I would like to the Xara Web Designer forum a sub set of Xtreme forum, that way Xtreme Pro 5 and Web designers are within a localaized area.

  10. #10

    Default Re: New Sub-Forum for X5 Pro Web Design?

    Upgraded to X5 Pro .... and as someone that used WD - I know the differences of the two products. But for those that didn't go that route I can understand the possible confusion and concern for redundancy.

    But this is not unlike other graphics/website design family of products. There are subset products that provide a portion of the functionality of the "Pro version" - Photoshop CS, Photoshop Elements and Photoshop Elements LE come to mind.

    I just posted a response in the WD section - it applies to both X5Pro and WD. Why was I in the WD section? Because I understand WD is a subset of X5Pro and I might gather some knowledge for the future... or find some insight into a current problem

    Maybe just a sticky upfront - explaining that WD is a subset with some subtle differences is all that is required.




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