I'm rather bemused that Xara went to the trouble of developing XWD then replicates that functionality in Xtreme. I thought they'd decided to have programs that targetted the usage of the product and could make XWD the easy web design program and leave Xtreme as the designers tool. If Adobe had followed this path Photoshop and Illustrator would also include Dreamweaver. I'm rather dissappointed they've chosen this route and now XWD has become Xtreme Lite, or more realistically Xtreme is now XWD Plus. I guess for Xtreme owners with XWD it's a question of paying twice over for the equivalent functionality (XWD has already more than paid for itself, before this Xtreme release).

When using XWD I liked the fact I could do things in Xtreme and move stuff to XWD with ease and I think this is the model that Xara could have followed and left XWD as a web specialist tool, but have Xtreme as a design tool with great interoperability - then you would have dual revenue streams (will Xtreme owners continue to upgrade XWD at the next cycle?).

A nice touch would have been to have XWD detect that Xtreme is installed and add Xtreme's extra functionality to XWD - that would satisfy all-comers. Those that wanted web publishing only could buy XWD and get a web design tool. Those that wanted a design tool without web bells and whistles could use Xtreme and those that wanted extended web design capability could buy both and have XWD enhanced.

I can't say that I like this "buy XWD for the web, upgrade Xtreme for more of the same plus a bit more" tack.