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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    import pre-made webdesigns

    okay i bought this because it promised to be an easy website editor without html knowledge and that you could even edit your pre-made webdesigns with this software.

    now i tried to open .fla files as well as html-documents,shockwave flash objects,and xml-documents cuz those are the files you get when downloading flash-documents and premade webdesigns from the net.
    xtreme is not able to open any of those...which is really frustrating,cuz why are designs available on the net if i can't use em anyways!?

    also when i want to change the color of those flash buttons,it converts the button in a simple square filled with my color.not being flashy anymore.

    i'm close to throwing this shit of software in the garbage...seriously...please help!

  2. #2

    Default Re: import pre-made webdesigns

    Welcome to the forums dekiams - you will get your money's worth in help from all members here

    Sorry but you seem to have completely misunderstood what the software is designed for.

    Xara Xtreme or Xara Web Designer can only import .xar or .web designs made by Xtreme or Web Designer applications. Many pre made designs are included with both applications with more available for download from Xara.
    Neither application can import sites produced by other web editors.
    Xtreme or Web Designer are not HTML editors, they are graphical content designers which can export your design to HTML (or other formats).
    Xtreme and Web designer can create Flash and animated .gif - but it cannot import flash.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: import pre-made webdesigns

    I think instead of expecting the software to do all the work for you, that you spend a few moments to look at the movies that are available on the Xara website to get an idea of what you can do and cannot do.

    Xtreme cannot open a FLA file and I do not believe it says anywhere that it can. Xara can create a Flash SWF movie file. There is a Flash forum on this site that has some excellent examples.

    You can import images from an existing website. But you have to put the pages together yourself.

    I'm sure that your other products that you have purchased did not work right out of the box without a bit of a learning curve. And while Xtreme is one of the easiest applications to learn, no one has ever said you can use it right out of box even if you have never used graphics software before.

    There are a few articles and tutorials that you may want to spend a moment or two with:

    A Multiple Page Website with Xara Xtreme

    Creating Drop Down Menus with Xara Xtreme

    We are very willing to answer your questions in this forum and provide what help we can. In return we ask for patience and a little respect.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Unhappy Re: import pre-made webdesigns

    guess i misunderstood the information on the box then :/

    do you know another program that CAN open other flash files?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Re: import pre-made webdesigns

    okay...well thanks anyways!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: import pre-made webdesigns

    Flash can open Flash files. And there are several other Flash.

    Have a look at Swish.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: import pre-made webdesigns

    Xara gives people 30 days in which to try out their products after which time it ceases to function. I'm going to guess that you didn't purchase either Xara Xtreme or Xara Web Designer. Am I right?




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