I can't draw = I can not reproduce a likeness that I want.

I can draw, and sometimes come real close to getting the look I wanted. But most the time I fail miserbly. (sp?) Drawing as any skill takes time, practice and to some degree talent. The talent part plays into whether you are an olympic drawer or just maybe a high school star. Either way you can draw (and get better).
I never believe somebody can not do something they want to, if the want it bad enough. In my youth I became a pretty good basketball player, even though I am only 5'6"" tall. I played on the intermural teams in college, and my yearbook is signed by many people regarding my skill as a basketball player. But many people looked at me and only saw my small statue, not my ablitly. So we usually kicked thier butt in BB.

So I agree with the above posts, and I also recommend Mark's book (I have all of them). Not only have they help me, but they have helped me teach my kids.
