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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004


    I created a new photoalbum in Webstyle and added 20 pictures to it. I then saved it but was given no chance to say where it would be saved to. Where is it saved to? The photos were all saved to a directory along with the thumbnails but I cant find the HTML of JavaScript files to load them. There is nothing in the My Wen Graphics or My Web Pages newer than 2 days ago. There are no files in the web root on my laptop. Tflaky behavior of Webstlye seems to make it quicker to just code directli in Javascript and do the menus in php.

    Any ideas?

    Eoin Dubh

  2. #2


    Check out these posts

    This is a review of WS4. You need to start your work in certain order to ensure minimal problems.



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    During the save process a windows explorer window is displayed to allow you to select the location where the web page should be saved to. At the same location there will be a folder saved bearing the same name as the web page with _files appended to it. And within this folder there will be a photos folder containing the photos used by the photo album.
    If you cannot find the correct save location then open webstyle and select photo albums. Select the photo album you have created and select to export the album as a web page.

    You will be sent to the web page layouts. Click on the layout button and choose the theme you wish to use for your web page. Having selected the theme, click on the first web page layout displayed as this is the photo album page for the selected theme.

    Then click on save. set the correct project folder for the edited web page template to be saved to and select the required graphic export options. and then click on save web page. A Save as windows explorer dialog is displayed. Navigate to the directory in which you wish to save the web page and then click on save.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Indianapolis, IN USA


    has anyone figured out a way to save a photo album without putting it into a webpage made with a xara template? I found the instructions in the FAQ and managed to move the album into my own webpage but this seems to complicated.

    what would really help is a blank template. if I could choose to save it into a blank webpage with my own name, it would be easy to get home from there. can I create a blank template on my own by simply saving a file in the proper place with the right name and nothing in it? if not, has anyone made one they could make available?




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