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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Consider Home-Schooling...

    they are not complaining Ross - as no one should who is in control of their own destiny ... just ready to move on

    in a couple of decades the job has changed out of all recognition....[so I am told]

    stereotypes and generalisations yep... lots o' bricks in that Wall....
    Nothing lasts forever...

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Prince Edward Island, Canada --- The land of lawn tractors

    Default Re: Consider Home-Schooling...

    Certainly there are some financially successful architects out there but they typically are the owners of firms. They tend to be making their money as employers while their hard-working employees aren't living the lifestyle you describe. Architecture is one of the lowest paid professions -- often significantly lower than engineers, lawyers, accountants, & doctors. Given the responsibilities -- managing projects with multi-million dollar budgets -- I think most people would be surprised how little we earn. The tradespeople who build the project - plumbers, electricians and the like - typically all earn more than the architect who designs the building and administer the construction contract.

    I work in a small city of only 32,000 people and have a modest middle class lifestyle. I do live in a self-designed home but have no designer furniture.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Consider Home-Schooling...

    Well, the problem is cyclical isn't it. Where do bad teachers come from? Bad teachers were once kids in the very same schools with just as bad teachers. How do we break this chain?

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Consider Home-Schooling...

    Quote Originally Posted by DSFlyman View Post
    Well, the problem is cyclical isn't it. Where do bad teachers come from? Bad teachers were once kids in the very same schools with just as bad teachers. How do we break this chain?
    I don't think there's any evidence to show such a relationship.

    Bad teachers come from the same place that bad plumbers , bad policemen, bad architects and bad X comes from - society at large.


  5. #25

    Default Re: Consider Home-Schooling...

    This is kind of a heavy thread so I will try to break the tension with a bit with of a joke.
    ........Background, about 10 to 15 years ago there was a big teachers strike in the province of Ontario and at the same time a nurses strike in Quebec. The quebec goverenment solved their problem quite easily, nurses are an essential service so for every day they were off work they were fined a weeks wage. Nice huh?

    Anyway, there was a great political cartoon in one of the papers and it went like this.........What will $12,000,000 dollars a year buy you (remember, this is 10 year old money also)....around 50 college educated, full time dedicated teachers or one professional hockey player.

    I could carry on further and give my views on the subject but I would rather just post this joke and back of quietly and quickly..........good luck with all your view points........frank

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Re: Consider Home-Schooling...

    Quote Originally Posted by pauland View Post
    I don't think there's any evidence to show such a relationship.

    Bad teachers come from the same place that bad plumbers , bad policemen, bad architects and bad X comes from - society at large.

    And society at large is also the place where good teachers, plumbers , policemen, architects and X comes from.

    Developing the will to enforce higher standards for teachers et al is the problem. Today's prevailing attitude seems to be to 'let the other guy do it, I'm too busy'; so nothing changes. Getting involved is what's needed.

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Prince Edward Island, Canada --- The land of lawn tractors

    Default Re: Consider Home-Schooling...

    Frank - You must remember the numbers incorrectly -- that would be $240,000 per teacher which likely isn't correct or we'd all be moving to Quebec to be teachers.

    Don't worry about participating in a thread like this. It isn't religion or politics so it is safe! We're all friends.

    Regards, Ross

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Consider Home-Schooling...

    get the parents back on the job - ban both working at the same time - haul them into court when their kids misbehave - bring back extended families so kids are not isolated on large estates - so they grow up [before school] with half a dozen adult role models and learn there is more than one way of being right.....

    ok tongue in cheek up to a point - but yes get involved - at the right level
    Nothing lasts forever...

  9. #29

    Default Re: Consider Home-Schooling...

    Yes, Ross is right, but without having the cartoon on hand I didn't want to exagerate and I did not want to do the math, but back then I believe teachers and nurses were making in the 30,000 to 40,000$ range........but without being precise, the model still stands. And it is not just a Canadian thing, actually we are kind of following the Americans but are way behind, it also applies to Europe; probably is world wide. If they entertain us on t.v. or the big screen, they should be paid millions if not billions; if they teach or protect us they deserve next to nothing. I read a few years ago that somebody earning a million dollars a year is not considered rich anymore, but simply upper middle class, so I guess most teachers as with almost the rest of us are just simply the "Poor" at this stage of the game. Anybody out there consider themselfs upper middle class??????????, .............frank

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Consider Home-Schooling...

    Nothing lasts forever...




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