
It is interesting to see that a search for WYSIWYG Web Design Software does not yield a Xara hit - even if preceeded by Xara . A quick look at the page source and the general meta tag descriptions and the page content seems to suggest why there is no direct hit.

Text Tags (h1 or otherwise):
SEO aside I agree wholeheartedly with the original poster. There can be no argument against making text content easier to manage - so long as its done within the context of a user friendly wysiwyg environment. Who knows - Google may tomorrow change the rules of the game and they become mandatory. Easily managing multipage site business sites (not necessarily huge ones) is critical where consistency and periodic refreshes are required. Being easy to develop, looking good and also being easily found are all important aspects of web site management.

WD is a terrific product and should be eating up market share at its price point. It's a hidden secret and I only knew about it because I found and had a license for Xara Extreme. This site is terrific and I thank everyone for their contributions which are awesome. I look forward to every new feature in the product.