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Thread: folder question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Raisio, Finland

    Default folder question

    Sorry if this been asked before, but is there a way to change the deafult folder name "index_htm_files" to something else like images or content?

    Also, is it possibly to separate content into different folders, like scripts into a scripts folder and images into a image folder?
    Yes, I know the program is meant for hobbyist and home users, and I'm probably a too techie designer snob elitist, but still it would be nice to be able to have a well structured site no matter how small it is.
    Paul the Gnurfmeister!
    Home: http://www.gnurf.net/v3/ | My stuff for sale: http://www.zazzle.com/gnurf* | Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/pasoderholm


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: folder question

    No. The files folder name is based on the name of the exported html file. It is important to avoid conflicts if you export separate pages into the same location.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Los Angeles

    Default Re: folder question

    If you create your web as "sub webs", each in its own folder, you can then build the main web with folders, you just need to create links that include the folder names.
    Xara Software XDP11

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Question Re: folder question

    I need help with folders, I am not understanding the help files at all. I am an almost noob but total noob to xara wd. I know they knew what they meant when the explained it, but I am still scratching my head.

    My question: I made a site and saved it to a file named outline.web
    So far so good? When I exported the site, it went into that folder
    as index.htm and index_htm_files and that is all.

    When I ftp'd to my server, nothing shows by some text. Did I do
    something wrong ? Is something missing? What is the design folder
    they speak of in help files?

    Could someone explain?

    I looked in public_html folder and there is no index.htm file there. So, I went to file manager and uploaded it to public_html and still does not show up.
    Anyone know what the cause could be, I am on a vps server using linux.
    I never had this problem before and have uploaded many sites on a reseller plan I have and everything show..so, please help I am lost and confused and
    have read and re read the help files and no light bulbs have gone off as of yet.

    Thanks for any help you can give me, it is really appreciated.

  5. #5

    Default Re: folder question

    Quote Originally Posted by cfaulken View Post
    My question: I made a site and saved it to a file named outline.web
    Correct so far, think of the outline.web as your 'project' file.

    Quote Originally Posted by cfaulken View Post
    When I exported the site, it went into that folder
    as index.htm and index_htm_files and that is all.
    Correct again.
    The index.htm is the file which contains all the html information and text for your page.
    The index_htm_files folder contains the files (pictures etc) which are displayed on your site page.

    Quote Originally Posted by cfaulken View Post
    When I ftp'd to my server, nothing shows by some text. Did I do
    something wrong ?
    Maybe But I don't know what you did, so I can't really say.

    Basically, WD publishes the index.htm file and the index_htm_files folder to the location you specify in the FTP setup.
    So, if you uploaded to FTP host address: cfaulken.com and to FTP folder /public_html/, your site should load if your surf to www.cfaulken.com

    Quote Originally Posted by cfaulken View Post
    I looked in public_html folder and there is no index.htm file there.
    Make sure that you enter /public_html/ in the the FTP Sub-folder settings for WD.
    Some hosts do not require this, but most that I have come across that use standard Apache web server software, do. (Also necessary if you are uploading to another sub folder which branches off /public_html/)

    Quote Originally Posted by cfaulken View Post
    So, I went to file manager and uploaded it to public_html and still does not show up.
    If you are going to do it manually, you must also upload the index_htm_files folder to the same location as the index.htm.
    In other words, when you open your /public_html/ folder with your site file manager, you should see this;
    Name:  public_html.png
Views: 252
Size:  1.5 KB

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Regional Victoria (Australia)

    Default Re: folder question

    Yes! The folder names and especially the file names within the resources folders are a weak point in WD. I know there is a resources list to help you identify the resources but 72.jpg? It is very hard to track things back, especially when you want to upload an update of a single page. Still, this is one of my few beefs with WD. Duplication could be avoided a number of ways eg 92 <original name>.jpg or even take a leaf out of Windows Copy of <original name> 92.jpg. Xara cover things very well & I'm sure this will be attended later.

    Quote Originally Posted by covoxer View Post
    No. The files folder name is based on the name of the exported html file. It is important to avoid conflicts if you export separate pages into the same location.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: folder question

    Quote Originally Posted by Teedee View Post
    eg 92 <original name>.jpg
    What is original name of the image created from a arbitrary rectangle somwhere on the page?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: folder question

    Quote Originally Posted by sledger View Post
    Correct so far, think of the outline.web as your 'project' file.

    Correct again.
    The index.htm is the file which contains all the html information and text for your page.
    The index_htm_files folder contains the files (pictures etc) which are displayed on your site page.

    Maybe But I don't know what you did, so I can't really say.

    Basically, WD publishes the index.htm file and the index_htm_files folder to the location you specify in the FTP setup.
    So, if you uploaded to FTP host address: cfaulken.com and to FTP folder /public_html/, your site should load if your surf to www.cfaulken.com

    Make sure that you enter /public_html/ in the the FTP Sub-folder settings for WD.
    Some hosts do not require this, but most that I have come across that use standard Apache web server software, do. (Also necessary if you are uploading to another sub folder which branches off /public_html/)

    If you are going to do it manually, you must also upload the index_htm_files folder to the same location as the index.htm.
    In other words, when you open your /public_html/ folder with your site file manager, you should see this;
    Name:  public_html.png
Views: 252
Size:  1.5 KB
    On the other account I used wsftp and was able to drap the files into the proper folders and upload. Had never done it manually before,just put index.html into public_html folder and images into the images folder and anything else into the relevant folders. But xara called image folders index_htm_files. So when uploaded by xara, after exporting site, I did not put /putlic_html/ into subfolder as I did not know I had to, so that was the problem and maybe that should go into the help files would be helpful for other semi noobs like me..lol!
    I did go into file manager and upload both to same folder but when I opened the public_html folder it was not there.
    I think I will just go back to using wsftp.

    Thanks for all your help



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