Quote Originally Posted by covoxer View Post
Hello Scott. Thank you for your input.
Can you specify exactly which site you were testing against W3C compliance?
If it is not available on-line, could you please provide it in a zipped or other convenient form?
We have to analyze what went wrong and why, to fix the issue. Currently, pure WD designs are supposed to pass W3C validator without any errors, if they don't we have to fix it.
We are not aware of WD being able to produce some errors that you mention (unclosed tags, unquoted values).
I have a suspicion that you have been testing a page that has a 3rd party code used (a snippet) which contain those errors. Is it possible?
Well, no actually it was the example site included with the program, here http://webdesigner.xara.com/index.htm. The validation report is here http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=ht...Inline&group=0. As you can see, the errors were basically those that I described in my original message (except that I left out the missing alt attribute ;-).
