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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default making retouch of the face in xtreme

    hi there

    is it possible to make a retouch of a face on xara xtreme.
    when i take a picture i want to remove the unneccesarrys of the face before i print it on a photopaper.

    i hope i could explane my problem.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: making retouch of the face in xtreme

    You can do this in Xtreme but it is not easy.

    You can do this better in a photo editing program like Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Holland Patent, NY, USA

    Default Re: making retouch of the face in xtreme

    Quote Originally Posted by yonetmen View Post
    is it possible to make a retouch of a face on xara xtreme.
    See this thread here:


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: making retouch of the face in xtreme

    Steven - I don't think this is the same thing. I believe the question is more can you do photo retouching (not just photo correction) in Xtreme. Such as removing wrinkles, blemishes, things like this. And these are things that are easier to do in a pixel editing application.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Holland Patent, NY, USA

    Default Re: making retouch of the face in xtreme

    Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
    Such as removing wrinkles, blemishes, things like this.
    Ah. Makes sense.

    I don't use bitmap tools (Photoshop, etc) much, myself. Perhaps some filters or plugins will eventually make the most common of these possible in Xara...

  6. #6

    Default Re: making retouch of the face in xtreme

    I specifically spent time over the weekend showing how easy it is to do in Xara, trying to quash the silly myth that it's best done in Photoshop. HD videos here, specifically a wrinkle removing tutorial here. There are very few common tasks that Photoshop is stereotypically used for with an auto-reflex that can't be done in Xara--often faster with greater versatility given the vector, object-orientated nature of the program.
    Last edited by Xhris; 04 March 2009 at 07:11 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Dallas, TX

    Default Re: making retouch of the face in xtreme

    Xhris -

    Your method is not nearly as quick as using Photoshop's healing brush. And until the Xara crew makes drastic changes to Xtreme's brush engine, I don't believe Xtreme can ever be as efficient at that task. (It is highly doubtful that a brush engine upgrade will ever be done, noting the dearth of vector improvements in the past.)


  8. #8

    Default Re: making retouch of the face in xtreme

    In the case of removing wrinkles etc. direct drawing making modifications at the whole pixel level rather than object patchwork is an example of where the approach I showed using Xara is a little slower, but just as effective when you get good with the technique. However, something like recolouring of eyes/hair etc. is approached in a very similar way in both softwares and are comparably fast. My points are that you don't need photoshop for most of the tasks photoshop is stereotypically used for, and many of these tasks can be achieved with comparable efficacy using Xara, despite that it's not a pixel editor (yet). When you consider the enormous system resource benefits Xara use brings, Xara really does stand out. When you consider the price difference between Xara and Photoshop for these common tasks ($90 compared to almost 10 times that for PS), it's even more compelling. I did a lot of YT video watching to see what common tasks Photoshop is used for by the typical user, and they can all be done in Xara with comparable speed in most cases, and much better system resource use.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Adelaide, Australia

    Default Re: making retouch of the face in xtreme

    It is too time consuming in Xara however for the last year I've been trying out Pixarra Twisted Brush and it has a set of tools within it to do this very job of photo retouching. You can removing wrinkles, blemishes, things like that. And yes, these are things that are easier to do in a pixel editing application.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: making retouch of the face in xtreme

    oooo... holly war again...

    Some of you may remember that some 5 years ago there was a tiny plug-in named Xeus made for Xara. It was made generally because of 2 things missing in Xtreme for efficient everyday use:
    1. Clone tool;
    2. Levels tool.
    Adding these two allowed author to completely avoid any raster graphics software in his everyday professional designer work since then.

    As of today, considering tools, there are probably 2 of them that make great difference between raster editors and Xtreme:
    1. Clone tool.
    2. Magic wand/magic lasso tool (to make vector shapes easier).

    Of course EVERYTHING can be done in Xtreme, these are only productivity tools that increase your performance significantly.




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