Hi Jeb,

Please avoid using bold type when posting, this is taken as shouting on forums.

JPG is the best (and recommended) format for hi-colour images on the web such as photos. GIF is best for low-colour (up to 256 colours) and images which require transparent backgrounds.
TIF is not an image type displayed natively by browsers.

What Egg was pointing out is that having each page as 1 single image makes your site almost the same megabyte size as your .xar source file.
This is too large and makes no sense when separate graphics elements along with plain text is all that is necessary and is much smaller. People on slower internet connections will not enjoy the lenghty wait your site will cause them.
Search engine friendliness is besides this point.

Second, is the way I am trying to get all the pages up so someone can click on a link to that months issue and get ALL the pages, without having to keep clicking on links from page 1 to 2 to 3 . . . the way to do this? If not, how do I do it
I'm not sute why you want to avoid this? Page links are analogous to turning pages in a book or magazine.
'Next' and 'Back' links along with page number links is pretty much the standard and normal way to allow users to navigate your site.

I think this thread is heading away from the topic of simply 'uploading' your files.