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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Need a CHEAP - wysiwyg program

    If anyone is looking for easy website creation with minimal html knowledge, and already has Xtreme, I really can't see the point of buying another program.

    If you're looking for more sophistication and/or greater control, then I would understand it.

    It all depends if you're willing to explore some html. If you aren't then Xtreme is probably all that you need, plus a bit of help from talkgraphics.


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Small town - Texas, USA.

    Default Re: Need a CHEAP - wysiwyg program

    Cheap WYSIWYG usually = I want a free, fast and easy way to put up a website.

    Until that day arrives and hits main stream, I still have an income. heh

    I've yet to try a website with Xara, I have my methods and they are perfect "for me". I will try to make a website with Xara so I can take a look at how it works. "Just because I love Xara so much!"

    NVU is OK, I [hear] Seriff is pretty good.

    There is no easy way to do it without learning what makes it do what it doos!

    Suggestion: Go learn a bit so you at least know what your looking at and your not spending all your time figuring out what went wrong.

    Web Design Resources has some really good stuff to help you get the ball rolling.

    Learn XHTML & CSS!!

    Download some free templates and tear them apart to see what makes them tick. Here is a great resource LINK.

    Free editor "notepad on steroids" - LINK

    There is also Crimson editor. - LINK.

    Both of these have syntax highlighting and support for XHTML ,CSS, JS, etc.

    A WYSIWYG that I can personally say I have used and recommend is FirstPage 06.

    You may also want to check into a Content Management System like Joomla for creating dynamic websites on the fly.

    Go check out OSCMS for more info on Content Management Systems and the like.

    If you plan on having a website, I seriously recommend paying for hosting. These days you can get a pretty reliable shared hosting plan with pre-installed scripts for practically nothing.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Central North Carolina

    Default Re: Need a CHEAP - wysiwyg program

    Tks, guys - but I seem to have trouble when I export in .html and then upload in Filezilla.

    I have tried 5 times now to make a mailto: hot link on my home page.

    In X4, it underlines the text but not in blue and when I upload there is no underlining or blue text and it is not hot.

    In the URL box, I put "mailto:floridacommunitynews@gmail.com".

    I had a problem the last time I tried to set up a mail link as well but finally got it to work. - jb
    - jb

    "A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes."

  4. #14

    Default Re: Need a CHEAP - wysiwyg program

    Can't be sure why you are having this trouble jb, it you are following all the preceding instructions about adding links, it should be fine.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	0.png 
Views:	299 
Size:	5.2 KB 
ID:	55041

    I use FileZilla all the time without issue.
    Provided you upload all the exported files, including the index.htm_files folder (with it's .css and images) your page should work just fine.
    Xtreme exports the page file as a .htm rather than .html

    There have been some mention about some servers not like the dot in the folder name, though I've never encountered an error with this.

    Have a look at my page for you here and let me know if the mail link is underlined in blue and works for you from all browsers installed on your PC. (My original .xar is also attached)
    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Central North Carolina

    Default Re: Need a CHEAP - wysiwyg program

    Steve, I have filled out the email form just as you have it.

    Two problems I have -

    1- in X4, the text I have selected to go to email - in this case it IS the email address - is underlined but does not show in blue.

    2- when I export in web and then upload with FileZilla, the selected text is NOT underlined, is not in blue and nothing happens with I click on it.

    The link you have put up is underlined, in blue and works when I click on it, however I then get the following error message -

    The host 'pop3' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly.
    Subject 'Question', Account: 'pop3', Server: 'pop3', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D

    This is indicating that I need to set up my email client so I will work on that and yours would work just fine.

    Will work on the problem - starting all over again - and see if I can make it work.

    Tks for the help, all - jb
    - jb

    "A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes."

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Central North Carolina

    Default Re: Need a CHEAP - wysiwyg program

    I think my X4 has somehow been corrupted - I just opened the file that I had saved in .xar, the same one I exported with the home page and 3 other pages - and now all 4 pages are stacked one on top of the other. Not at all what I have been working on for a while.

    Question - should I delete X4 and re-install or install over the old?

    Tks - jb
    - jb

    "A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes."

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Central North Carolina

    Default Re: Need a CHEAP - wysiwyg program

    I downloaded WWB and have taken a look at it - IMHO,

    The good news - it seems to be a very good program with a lot of "goodies" to use on the web.

    The bad news - the tutorials are not that great - one of the strong points of Xara - , is going to take a lot of time to learn now to use all the parts of the program.

    It appears that unless one wants to save a xara designed page
    "as is" - no active links, hotspots, etc., just the basics - one must export EACH part of the page to a file - .jpg, etc. - and then insert each into WWB - - a VERY time consuming process. What I mean by that is it appears that if one inserts a whole Xara page into WWB, one can not then add any of the web "goodies" from WWB.

    Is there an easier way to get Xara produced things into WWB and then be able to use other WWB things?

    Wouldn't it be nice if WWB and Xara merged - the best of both worlds.

    Short of that, how about a thread somewhere on how best to use the two programs together?

    Take care have a great day - jb
    - jb

    "A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes."

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Right here......

    Default Re: Need a CHEAP - wysiwyg program

    A search for free open source wysiwyg editors.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Central North Carolina

    Default Re: Need a CHEAP - wysiwyg program

    Tks Guy - looks interesting. - jb
    - jb

    "A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes."

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Marina, California

    Default Re: Need a CHEAP - wysiwyg program

    I just bought WebDesigner from Xara, which seems very robust. I'm surprised no one has suggested this yet - other than I'm a newbie at it and I haven't tried anything since I bought the download for $29US.




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