(2nd question)
Is it possible, after making a selection, to edit that selection? I know I can add or subtract to and from the selection, but can I in some way resize it?
(2nd question)
Is it possible, after making a selection, to edit that selection? I know I can add or subtract to and from the selection, but can I in some way resize it?
Just grab one of the selection handles and drag it out to suit. If you drag a corner handle it will resize proportionally.
There are 10 types of people in this world .... Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
Keith is that is relevant to PaintShopPro X2?
NineToTheSky also asked this question about sizes in PSPX2
No, you're right ........ Obviously didn't pick up on the PSPX2 thing.
You could go to http://home.roadrunner.com/~suzshook...dexanchors.htm and check out the tricks and tips there.
There are 10 types of people in this world .... Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
Sorry - I forgot to mention that I'm using PSP Pro X2.
ss-kalm: no, that doesn't work. If it did work in previous versions, it's strange that Corel have dropped functionality in the "ultimate" edition.
Thanks for the link to the tips and tricks site. I'll certainly look into that.
NineToTheSky, Keith's first post references how to resize a selection in Xara Xtreme. That functionality has never been available in any version of Paint Shop Pro for a bitmap (raster) selection.
a.k.a. Bill Taylor
Bill is no longer with us. He died on 10 Dec 2012. We remember him always.
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In an older version, you could copy your selection, create a new layer, paste into the selection, and then deform it using the deform tool. You can then merge it into the old layer if you wish.
In PSP X Image resize is as follows:
To resize an image
1. Choose Image Resize.
2. In the Resize dialog box, mark the Resample using check box, and select a resampling type from the drop-list.
To resize the current layer only, unmark the Resize all layers check box.
3. In the Pixel Dimensions group box, type or set new values in the Width and Height controls. From the drop-list, choose whether to enter values in pixels or as a percentage of the original size.
4. Click OK.
X2 should be close to the same, but to check go to Resizing > Images in the Help Index.
Don't think that you can resize a selection, but if you resize the whole image and then crop the selection you require that should do the trick.
There are 10 types of people in this world .... Those who understand binary, and those who don't.