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  1. #1


    I'm happy to provide some answers rather than questions to this TalkGraphics forum. I'm very persistent (hard-headed) when it comes to finding out why something doesn't work--and those dreaded red X's which took the place of pictures--animated or not--inserted into the body of Outlook Express-created emails were bugging the hell out of me....for about three years. That also applied to rich text stationery. I kept thinking it was my computer & I was determined to find out what was causing the problem. As Inspector Clouseau would say, "The problem is now sol-ved." A friend of mine just found out how. Here's the link:
    It says: "Fix Red 'X's in Place of Images in Outlook Express Stationery"
    You have carefully selected the most wonderful among all the wonderful Outlook Express to compose a masterful email in Outlook Express. And now the recipient of this carefully crafted message tells you she can only see a red 'x' where (presumably) an image should be.
    That's a pity. Fortunately, you can also prevent this from happening. The reason for the red 'x' is that Outlook Express can't find the image on the recipient's computer." [Personal note: It was there in the first place? In the stationery files initially installed with Outlook Express? That doesn't explain how this also works with all animated gifs which were never initially installed on everyone's PC's, but it also works in that circumstance.] "To fix this, make sure Outlook Express sends all images together with the message.
    To fix broken images in emails written in Outlook Express:
    Select Tools | Options... from the menu in Outlook Express.
    Go to the Send tab.
    Click the HTML Settings... button under Mail Sending Format.
    Make sure Send pictures with messages is checked.
    Click OK.
    Click OK again.
    Note: installing Hotbar may turn off the Send pictures with messages feature and thus break some stationery — but now you know how to re-enable it. "
    Another useful related link:
    Useful link for stationery
    Don Baker
    PS: Here's where the credit really lies, my friend Kelly:
    "I thought I recalled hearing you mention using Hotbar in the past. When I kept finding references to it as the possible source of problems similar to what you've been experiencing, I sort of had one of those moments [animated lightbulb icon goes here] and sent you the info."
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  2. #2


    I'm happy to provide some answers rather than questions to this TalkGraphics forum. I'm very persistent (hard-headed) when it comes to finding out why something doesn't work--and those dreaded red X's which took the place of pictures--animated or not--inserted into the body of Outlook Express-created emails were bugging the hell out of me....for about three years. That also applied to rich text stationery. I kept thinking it was my computer & I was determined to find out what was causing the problem. As Inspector Clouseau would say, "The problem is now sol-ved." A friend of mine just found out how. Here's the link:
    It says: "Fix Red 'X's in Place of Images in Outlook Express Stationery"
    You have carefully selected the most wonderful among all the wonderful Outlook Express to compose a masterful email in Outlook Express. And now the recipient of this carefully crafted message tells you she can only see a red 'x' where (presumably) an image should be.
    That's a pity. Fortunately, you can also prevent this from happening. The reason for the red 'x' is that Outlook Express can't find the image on the recipient's computer." [Personal note: It was there in the first place? In the stationery files initially installed with Outlook Express? That doesn't explain how this also works with all animated gifs which were never initially installed on everyone's PC's, but it also works in that circumstance.] "To fix this, make sure Outlook Express sends all images together with the message.
    To fix broken images in emails written in Outlook Express:
    Select Tools | Options... from the menu in Outlook Express.
    Go to the Send tab.
    Click the HTML Settings... button under Mail Sending Format.
    Make sure Send pictures with messages is checked.
    Click OK.
    Click OK again.
    Note: installing Hotbar may turn off the Send pictures with messages feature and thus break some stationery — but now you know how to re-enable it. "
    Another useful related link:
    Useful link for stationery
    Don Baker
    PS: Here's where the credit really lies, my friend Kelly:
    "I thought I recalled hearing you mention using Hotbar in the past. When I kept finding references to it as the possible source of problems similar to what you've been experiencing, I sort of had one of those moments [animated lightbulb icon goes here] and sent you the info."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Box Elder, SD - Home of the Sick, Twisted and totally Perverted...


    Thanks Don,

    Another fine piece of microsoft programming.

  4. #4


    Apparently you are "underwhelmed" with MS. Frankly it's all I've known since I crawled out of the cave and joined the digital age three years ago. I recognize that Microsoft has its limitations/glitches/imponderables. Totally baffling at times (e.g. "what were they thinking" by creating such a crappola OS as ME other than an ego stroke prompted by the dawn of a new millenia?). I got it. But my point remains (in another post) that I wish "things" were far more uniform (re: IBM, Linux, Apple etc), at least in terms of sending a friggin' email: You see the dragon I see the dragon we all see the dragon. Only some uniform format provides that. Otherwise we're all left guessing, or worse yet, we're all left with the common denominator play-it-safe of 10 point black & white Times Roman with neither stationery nor pics inserted into emails. File attachments only. So sad and drab, given the possibilities............Don't you think?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    RWC, CA, USA


    I think it's really great when you find a solution to a problem. I too was really excited (and still get excited) when I discovered solutions to my issues, ponderings and able to fill the holes in my almost perfect solutions and yet there is always a little piece of into missing.

    If you really want a great site to ask questions dealing with Windows, Mac or Linux then go here:


    You will have to sign up and all that good stuff but when the process is done then just go to the forum and then scroll down to the General Windows Support. Eveyone is pretty nice and VERY knowledgabel too!! http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/biggrin.gif I've been a memeber for almost 2 years now and seen that site go through some amazing changes, all for the better. It's really a class act now.

    Check it out and keep on computing!! http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

    ---Wolff On The Prowl---

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Box Elder, SD - Home of the Sick, Twisted and totally Perverted...


    hi Thatguy72001,

    Email is going through it's growing pains. Microsoft customers are demanding prettier emails and micosoft, in it's usual quick make-a-buck way, has responded with some garbageware that is not thought out, and full of holes. Most of the other email clients make their money off of not having all these pretty pictures/security holes.

    No.. I do not like miscrosoft products. But can't afford not to.

  7. #7


    John, I didn't follow "Most of the other email clients make their money off of not having all these pretty pictures/security holes."

    I definitely followed "No.. I do not like miscrosoft products. But can't afford not to."

    Richard, thanks for the links to http://www.pro-networks.org/forum/index.php?
    as well as your 'site. I appreciated your "If you're a C...." disclaimer. You might want to take a look at "Meaning you try to increase the size to much they will look like crap!! ". "too". Along with being anal about this insert pic/stationery thingy, spelling ranks right up there. I have 220 pages on my website and despite my best efforts I still occasionally stumble across misspellings.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Box Elder, SD - Home of the Sick, Twisted and totally Perverted...



    I don't care for microsoft products. If there is any other software that can do the job, I would rather choose that software. I run microsoft software because I like xara. I have other microsoft products and all of them have never delivered up to the advertising. Xara preforms better than how they advertise.




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