I'm just finishing off my first site built using XXP. To date, I have authored previous web sites at a purely html level.

In this instance, my task was to just give an updated look and feel to a tired old site, keeping most of the existing content, tidying it up somewhat with new owner specified colours, etc. Using XXP, the site came together very quickly (which is also good given that this job was a freebie (why do I do this again? ))

However, the concept of being able to maintain the content is also important in this instance - and I won't be the person to provide ongoing maitenance for it - the owner wants to be able to update their own "news" page, etc.

To address this, I have got to a point where the layout, menu, etc, are all agreed as finalised with the site owner, then I have edited the couple of pages that will change regularly (eg. "news of the day/week", etc) so that they are using iframe elements. ie. I copied the text content to a separate news.html page and re-inserted it back into the main page using an iframe tag.

This may not be "ideal" or the "best web page coding practice", but it works in this instance with this site owner. They can edit the text on the dynamic pages in any editor they want, even online if need be (courtesy of an online editor supplied by their ISP), and the overall structure of the website remains intact because they are only changing the inserted pages.
