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  1. #1

    Default the cost of stagnating

    ughhh... an unseemly sounding topic line, isn't it ? Sorry for
    that... and also, if any other loyal XaraLX users take offense
    at what I say next... but... out of sheer desparation trying
    to do this in xaralx, I tried the new inksc*pe (name cleverly
    obscured... only the pros will know ... and... well, version
    0.46 of inkscape now does faultless snapping - multiple
    lines of any kind to a common point, for instance... and even
    to circle centers... how I've toiled over this one.

    So... until xaralx crawls out of the bog, so to speak,
    development wise, I will suggest using this other linux
    scalable graphics program, at least for this kind of operation.

    Until Inkscape would adopt a lot of the approach of xaralx,
    I will continue to use it (XaraLX)... it is just a lot easier for
    me... does so many things so well and without problems...
    well, it's just unfortunate that development has stopped -
    this is one of those things it could use (or... as has often
    been the case... perhaps I'm just missing the easy answer ??
    I'll check the tutorials for "snapping" circle center, etc).


  2. #2

    Default Re: the cost of stagnating... but... spoke too quickly !

    AH-Ha ! Fortunately for me, and my reputation on this forum,
    my comment and complaint of yesterday was last night proven
    wrong !

    XaraLX does indeed provide a simplistic method for "snapping"
    various lines to a common point... one need only use a set
    of intersecting guides, to which, any number of lines, whether
    straight or curved or other, can be instantly affixed.

    ..."but I fooled inkscape, and put some in her tea...
    and now there's no more ink-scape, to try to blow up me !"


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Cameron Park California

    Default Re: the cost of stagnating

    Hang in here, Stu, one of these days XaraLX will come alive... just be patient.


  4. #4

    Default Re: the cost of stagnating

    Quote Originally Posted by fjgaude View Post
    Hang in here, Stu, one of these days XaraLX will come alive... just be patient.

    Hey Frank !

    Well... I certainly hope so... as it is, it would have to be more
    like "reborn"... xaralx has been dead in the water for quite a

    Really, there is so little to complain about with what is there
    already... maybe they could do a "clean-up", implementing
    functions not yet fully operative, issue a final release, and let it
    go at that ?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Cameron Park California

    Default Re: the cost of stagnating

    Well, I hear you... somehow I feel the program has enough power that one day two or more programs with just the right interest will move it along toward completion, at least up to the features of Xara Extreme for Windows... but first, it has to be a full-up open source program, and that requires some work.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Right here......

    Default Re: the cost of stagnating

    Quote Originally Posted by fjgaude View Post
    but first, it has to be a full-up open source program, and that requires some work.

    That's a dead debate which will never change. I feel the only way there might be any potential, would be to get a hefty list of users to sign in saying they would be more than willing to pay the cost of the product as a binary software (only ported to Linux) Just as the case with Maya.... I could care less if it is open-source, as long as I could get the full product on my Linux machine
    Any Xara product is well worth the money, especially considering how incredibally affordable it is compared to all the other money mongers
    The only chance anyone will ever see a fully functional and up to date version of Xara for Linux, is to take it as a binary software, pay the cash and give up on this "open-source" track mind.
    Granted, there will be some Linux distros who will not be able to benefit from it due to their strict GNU adherence policies... but that is their problem, and it don't confront me
    I feel strongly, that if enough Linux users got together, and made it known they would be willing to pay for porting of binary software.... it would open up a lot of doors for the entire community
    Believe it or not... many, many 3rd party software dev companies truly believe that any and everyone who uses Linux expects to get the software for free and for them to just hand over their life-line... and I assure you, this is not the case. There are more and more of us who are not such hard-core GNU fanatics
    Imagine the day you could walk into your local PC shop and grab a copy of your fav game or other app for Linux... it is possible. But, it would be such a war, that it would completely split the community in half.

    If you expect an entire app to be open-source, and expect to get it for free... then you have to take what's freely given and not complain about this and that does not work.... or when is it gonna be updated...

    And just in case... none of these comment is directed toward anyone here... it's just a general summary. So, I am not accusing anyone in this thread of anything, just stating facts about a portion of the Linux community as a whole. A group I refere to as fanatics who in these time, which are changing... are actually holding the rest of the community back from moving onto a better place in the pc world.

    Some people think Freedom in Linux, means free of cost. But then, those who actually do understand what it truly means, well... that group is split between those who will never give into software where even one portion of the source-code is not open and who can often be quite violent about the issue... and those who would gladly pay for it whether it's code is completely released or not.

    I, myself have just recently begun to scratch at this wound as I feel it is time for those who think the same as me, begin to group, and make plans to move forward with getting the attention of these 3rd party software companies.

    I have had people tell me, "If you need Windows apps then go back to windows" Well unfortunately, they obviously are so stuck on the "open-source" ticket, they fail to realize that I am talking about "3rd party" developers.... Just because a software company creates software which runs on Windows... does not mean they are owned by MS (same for Mac)... they just produce for the market which pays and doesn't expect them to simply hand over their bread n butter.

    If Adobe, could get the same $$ from a large portion of Linux users, trust me... they'd begin to do it at the drop of a hat.
    If Linux stands for Freedom... should'nt I be free to choose whether I want to purchase a binary software which is ported to the Linux platform, without being raked over the coals and nastily insulted by GNU crusaders?

    I have recently began a site to try and get this idea going and if anyone is interested, please pm me for the info
    This is the last I will carry on here on these matters. and will not post the info publicly on this forum as it would not be appropriate

    I love Xara so much that I would be extremely thrilled if I could get Pro or 3D which would run on my pc... using Linux and gladly pay the same $$ as anyone with a Windows machine does... because it's top quality software and I could care less if it's code is made avail or not.
    With Linux, for the $$ one saves just on the OS itself, should be worth it to pay the $$ for some really great software. And, I am in no way putting down open-source software as there is some really wonderful work out there, just google "Elisa" and see what I mean... but, sometimes... you just want something they cannot produce. Sometimes, even developing a software which too closely resemble a commercial one can bring you armpit deep into a lawsuite...

    So, like I said... sorry to carry on here (apologies to mods) but I just had to make these statments. Xara LX is awesome and I use it every day... and I don't like to talk about what does not work because it's free.
    I have spoken with a couple people who actually worked on the project from the Linux side to try to get the project revived and have to tell you..., in all honesty, there is not much chance it will ever happen. sorry to burst any bubbles.. but, it's still a great software and still very useful. And as much as I like Inky... Xara LX doesn't crash on me when I work at my hyper pace, where Inky does almost everytime... it is just too slow for my liking especially the moment you add a gaussian blur to any object... the app slows to 1/2 speed and it drives me insane

    Allllll righty then.... I'm going back into my cave now

  7. #7

    Default Re: the cost of stagnating

    Fair rant.. Some good points Paul.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Right here......

    Default Re: the cost of stagnating

    Thanks Steve... I have to admit, it takes a while to write up a rant which does not go overboard or out of context too much. So, I am extremely relieved I was able to accomplish the goal

    Gotta tell ya, I was scared when I initially began this lil project of mine (and it's still at the absolute beginning) but I am very happy that I have actually gotten back a lot more positive and agreeable feedback from other Linux users than I had first expected. So, it gives me great hope that there is some real potential to see the Linux community move into some new territory over the next couple of years.
    I'm sure to take some heavy hits in the process but... if it works, it will be well worth the beatings
    Xara products and others are well worth the effort. Not to mention, the fact that the support for these items are already available (well, here anyway) so it would not be an issue of the cost to create a support area either, which is a nice plus.
    I imagine the folks at Xara would be elated to see a new virtually untapped market appear from thin air
    Well, my dream is big... but not entirely unrealistic nor unreasonable.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: the cost of stagnating

    Good luck Paul - like Steve said - some good points
    Nothing lasts forever...




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