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  1. #1

    Default HTML: mouseover and popup bug

    Online example

    I want to apply a mouseover affect to the
    thumbnails which popup a larger image.
    I do this by copying the thumbnails
    to a ‘mouseover’ layer, then changing
    them to grey scale.. But something weird happens when I export..
    The mouseover layer is already showing - but worse, they are
    NOT in place as they were in the .xar file AND the popups
    are no longer where they shoud be!?
    What am I missing here ??

    Online example
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: HTML: mouseover and popup bug

    Steve, I see two basic mistakes in this design:
    1. You can not apply rollover effect to the object that invokes pop-up. And you know it.
    2. You have named some pop-up layers as "#1", "#2" etc and then added web address like "#1" to the active buttons. You can not do that because "#1" is a valid URL pointing to the destination anchor with name "1" on the same web page. So these links are not associated with pop-up layers and all the thing gets messed.

    Solution: rename layers that you want to use as a pop-up with unique names and put the mouse over design of the buttons on the corresponding pop-up layers (as you have done in one of your previous testing designs). You may also remove unneeded mouseover layer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: HTML: mouseover and popup bug

    Actually John - there is a way to have a mouse over with a pop up.

    Add the mouse over button to the named pop up image layer.

    Link the normal button to the pop up image and link the pop up image to the desired page.

    In the attached file, the Page 4 button on Page 1, produces a pop up and when pressed jumps to Page 4.

    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #4

    Default Re: HTML: mouseover and popup bug

    Thanks guys - I knew it would be me somehow




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