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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    I guess I'm out of luck

    I had really high hopes for XX4 but now I just don't know. Over time I've bought X3D, Webstyle4, X1, and had planned to buy XX4 next Friday when I get paid. I'm retired and only get paid once a month or else I would have bought it sooner. Right now I'm glad I didn't.
    Since I downloaded the trial for XX4 I haven't used X1 but 3 days ago I had 2 days left on my trial so I decided to transfer all of my newly made templates over to my X1 folder to make sure they all still worked. Imagine my surprise when X1 all of a sudden didn't work. It informed me that it was a downloaded copy (which it is) and that it was expired. It said to install it from the CD I received in the mail. I have never received any CD for X1, I have one for X3D and Webstyle but none for X1. I didn't think I was supposed to get one because I bought my X1 at a reduced price, I guess it was a closeout and when I never got one in the mail I didn't give it much thought. I tried to contact Xara customer support and they have yet to get back to me. I now have 2 pieces of software that I have come to use more and more every day, neither of which work, one of which cost me money. I am very disappointed with Xara's customer support; yes, I know, small company, heavy workload etc but that just isn't an excuse. If a company charges money for products they SHOULD stand behind them and provide support. If I go ahead and buyXX4 on Friday I won't need the X1 CD but the fact is that I paid money for it and I should have a working copy. I wish they would at least email me a registry fix. I can't use Xara, I can't afford the $600 for Adobe Illustrator, and I don't like Inkscape so not only am I out of luck but I'm very hesitant about buying anything else from Xara.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Re: I guess I'm out of luck

    When you purchased X1 you would have created a members ID. You can log into the Xara members section and re-download your copy of Xara. The members section also contains details of your purchases and the serial numbers to go with them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Re: I guess I'm out of luck

    I don't need to download the file, I already have it. Even if I try to install it again it won't work because it thinks its expired.

  4. #4

    Default Re: I guess I'm out of luck

    This was mentioned before but I can't find it, as a temporary measure until Xara support get's back to you, BEFORE you open X1 reset your computers date to an earlier one, if it's only just expired then set it back a month will do. The X1 will open and allow you to continue working with it. But yes, you should have a CD and a Xara member account login?
    Just remember to correct the date when you finish with X1 and do other things. It just takes a couple clicks..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: I guess I'm out of luck

    if, as suggested, you access your account and get the serial/unlock number allocated to you when you bought X1, you should have no problem - it should unlock your X1 - you may have to re-download the file first, maybe not, I can't remember.
    Nothing lasts forever...

  6. #6

    Default Re: I guess I'm out of luck

    From memory, even the unlocked DL expires after 90 days as the CD should have arrived by then. I recall the message on my first version of Xtreme as I'd got the CD but hadn't bothered to install it right away.
    As I say, this has come up before on the forum - I just couldn't find it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Lynn, MA

    Default Re: I guess I'm out of luck

    I have that same DL of X1 but I've upgraded, first to 3.2 and recently to 4.
    I just re-installed X1 and after entering my serial number everything worked fine.
    Did you try re-installing and entering your serial number?
    ~ DanDaBear ~
    Some people think inside the box, Some people think outside the box, I think about the box

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Smile Re: I guess I'm out of luck

    Just a thought,

    Can you do a system restore to the day before you moved your files.

    I hope this helps.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Re: I guess I'm out of luck

    With regard to the restore question, no, I keep restore turned off for safety reasons. However as per other suggestions, I did download the whole X1 file again and to my surprise it reinstalled it. It asked for the serial number on the CD case, which I don't have so I gave it the number that I DO have and it worked. It lost all of my configurations and tool bars but it kept my templates. My concern now is A - will it stop a 90 days from now and did I pay money for a trial copy that won't work for more than a few days?
    and B - can I trust the xara company in the future because they clearly have been a dismal failure in this situation. Although I really want X4 I don't want software that the company can't support.
    And there is also C - Where is my stupid CD they're supposed to send me. They don't seem like a very professional bunch.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: I guess I'm out of luck

    I'm maybe missing something, but I can't see where xara could be said to be at fault here..
    Nothing lasts forever...




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