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  1. #1

    Default Xtreme 4 updated

    There is an update (4.0.4845) to Xtreme 4 and Xtreme 4 Pro, available for download from the usual site. This has a number of fixes, listed below, for those interested.

    The Xara.com website has been update and this new release has been officially launched.

    Download link http://www.xara.com/us/download/
    Upgrade or New Purchase http://www.xara.com/us/buy/default.asp?v=both

    This can be installed over the existing version 4 Beta. Just select the re-install option.

    Here's a list of fixes:

    Installation Issues
    • HTML export option now installed properly, so those that could not see it, should do so now.
    • Activation window is no longer hidden behind splash screen.
    • You can run UK English as well as others

    • Fixed text repelling so it works for any screen dpi i.e. those with 'large' Windows font settings.
    • Severe performance degradation on some text files has been resolved.
    • Fixed crash when undoing drop copy of repelling object.
    • Memory leak (increasing memory use) with repelling text and Live Effect use fixed.
    • Crash by applying floor shadow to repelling object with Live Effect fixed

    HTML Website export
    • Mouse pointer should now always be correct over links in IE and Firefox
    • Xtreme HTML export throws up errors in Firefox/Opera Javascript Consoles. Fixed
    • Line breaks in HTML file are UNIX style. Fixed
    • Links are executed on right click. Fixed
    • HTML export allows encoded characters in export (breaks design). Fixed
    • Overwriting HTML file which is open in IE now works on Vista. Fixed
    • Crash on export of a specific HTML example fixed.
    • Comment field in Document Info was lost on document save. Should now allow HTML Page title to be controlled.

    Extrude Tool
    • Default colors and positions of lights changed to give better colour rendition by default.
    • Color editor sticks on Light color 3. Fixed.
    • Extrude with fractal very, very slow to render at high zooms. Fractal texture vanishes sometimes. Fixed.
    • Extrusion of blend very slow. Fixed.
    • Undo does not restore correct extrude colors. Fixed.
    • Other extrude fixes.

    Photo issues
    • Photo tool InfoBar much too long when undocked.
    • Crop: You can now start dragging a clip rectangle on corner of image (or outside)
    • Auto-enhance now always resets any manually entered enhance parameters

    New Live Effects
    • Painting effect preset saving now works.
    • Gaussian blur Live Effect can now be used on vectors and it correctly increases bounds.
    • Liquid Color dialog defaults to going off the top of screen. Fixed.
    • Can't Alt-tab to Xtreme when a new Live Effect is up. Fixed.
    • Color editor symbol in new Live Effect glitches. Fixed.
    • Applying Color Gradient Live Effect with alpha turned image black. Fixed.
    • Live Effects can expand beyond clipped area after photo has been clipped. Fixed.

    Misc fixes and changes
    • Useful common web sizes now included in Page Options page size list.
    • New more accurate clipping implementation is now only used for Combine Shape operations, and no longer used on load. Solves problems discussed on http://www.talkgraphics.com/showthread.php?t=31987 and http://www.talkgraphics.com/showthread.php?t=31978
    • Other bugs fixes with new path clipping code.
    • New eye-dropper hex color values now update correctly.
    • Bevels render correctly on inside and outside of hollow shapes.
    • Windows 2000 UI issues fixed (drop-down lists being truncated)
    • Eye dropper picking color from non-mix transparent objects now works.
    • Center fill handle no longer selected after a photo replacement.
    • Base 14 fonts now embedded again in exported PDFs when embedding is selected. Should address the issue discussed in http://www.talkgraphics.com/showthread.php?t=31916
    • AV applying flat transparency to bitmap at 'Full Colour' View Quality. Fixed.
    • Cached images occasionally don’t render incorrectly. Believe Fixed.
    • Web address dialog now defaults to "rectangle surrounding object".
    • Slow display of Rotate Handles fixed
    • Fractal profile changes colour. Fixed.

    Thanks for your support and feedback.

    The Xara Team.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Xtreme 4 updated

    Thanks for the fixes Charles
    Nothing lasts forever...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

    Default Re: Xtreme 4 updated

    A quick question for those who know more about XXP4 than I do (which is probably 98% of you).

    I recently purchased, downloaded and installed the upgrade to XXP4. No problem. My question is: when I go to download the new patch, both Xtreme and Xtreme Pro have the same-named file, as in Pro is not included in the filename. The original download included Pro in the filename, thus my question.

    Is that correct? I donīt want to replace XXP4 with XX4.

    Thanks in advance.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Dorset, England

    Default Re: Xtreme 4 updated

    Are you sure? The file I just downloaded (from the right-hand side of the download page) was called xaraxtremepro4dl.exe - exactly what last week's was called.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

    Default Re: Xtreme 4 updated

    Iīll check again, but when I hit download from the right side, as in the Pro side, I didnīt see pro listed in the file name. Thatīs why I asked. But thanks for the answer, Iīll give it another go.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

    Default Re: Xtreme 4 updated

    Just checked--same thing.

    Whatīs funny is that the download does not start on its own. Thatīs never happened before. When I click on the link for downloads that donīt automatically begin, itīs xtreme, not xtremepro.

    I guess Iīll figure it out, but Iīve never experienced this before.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Dorset, England

    Default Re: Xtreme 4 updated

    I've just tried it again, and it is working from here. Interestingly enough, you can enter an obviously bogus email address, have the form rejected with an error, but the download still starts... I'm sure that's a bug!

    Actually, with a bit more playing, the validation on that form is very strange - it seems to happen whenever the email edit control loses focus.

    But none of that explains why you're getting the wrong file, sorry.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Nuevo Mexico

    Default Re: Xtreme 4 updated

    Drop down lists are still being truncated. I am using WinXP. When you place the info bar along the bottom of the screen drop down boxes for Bevel and Extrude tools are still truncated to two selections. You have to click on the arrows to get to another value and it is very annoying. It did not work this way in the previous version. PLEASE fix this. Thanks.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Re: Xtreme 4 updated

    Is anyone else having trouble logging into their account to get the update? I used the same email that I ordered with and even had Xara email my password to me-just to be sure).

    But I still can't log in as the system tells me that the password is invalid.

    I'm confused! Help!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

    Default Re: Xtreme 4 updated


    I can get into my account, but there is nothing there that indicates the xxp4 download is the newer version. Iīm waiting. Donīt want to download the old version again.



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