OK, fair enough... my apologies for mis-understanding.. now, back to the business.
I am almost certain the Deb. files are the same and they mention the importing of svg, which yes we have always had....
Stu, I believe they are the same filters used throughout the community. The import works fine (but only via drag n drop for me and may others) but the output is useless.
I have even gone as far as copying every single svg filter and file from inkscape and W3 and trying to incorporate them into xaralx... to no avail ....
I have yet to have success with your scribus conversion method, although admit I only gave one half-hearted attempt so far.
I think the biggest point here is.... they are both completely separate softwares, which run on completely different formats... and both are as equally useful and powerful.
I feel that sometimes .svg is too heavily over-rated within the Linux community and too many deem anything but .svg to be useless garbage?
The problem for further development for xaralx, is first finding a dev or two who are not so "hung-up" on the subject of which engine to use and the "open-source" argument.
Second.... is that those devs need to be fairly compensated for their work... even if it means simply donating to their desired cause.
Thirdly, we need people like ourselves, and Dai, and Remi, etc..... who would love to see this project take flight again, who are willing to get involved and "assist" the devs, as opposed to the countless number of people who have done nothing but whine about what doesn't work with every revision they put out.

Charles gave us as much as could be asked..... and actually all that we need. But this was not good enough for many.. and I think much of the arguing which ensued in my opinion, only showed the Linux side to be spoiled, ungrateful babies.
I mean... here is a man, who has one of the most powerful vector programs going... and it's a goldmine.... and he literally "gave" everything but the engine away, for free... unselfishly.
As far as I'm concerned.... Linux wants the engine?? Fine.... cough up the dough to port it, and then cough up the $89.00 & up per copy respectively to version, just like everyone else does.... Why on Earth should he just give it over to Linux users for free when everyone else has to pay?? Think about it... That is what these Linux people working with xara wanted and expected??
Too many people clearly misunderstand and misuse the term "open-source"

It's all up to users like us to handle it from here.... There is no blame to bestow upon Xara.... it was on "us". We were given a free Ferrari with no engine and whined about it
I'm going to do what ever I can, when the right time comes (as I am busy with a few things right now)... and I'll do it alone if I have to (finding a dev that is). But, if I hear one more person say thay understand where the Linux devs were coming from... I think I'm gonna throw up.
I love Linux... but not always sided with the militant views of some. I see many great softwares for linux which are not very popular (like Maya) because..... "Oh my God... you expect me to PAY for it??!!"
More software companies would be willing to port to Linux..... if only everyone didn't expect to get it for free.
I those companies stood to make a fair profit from porting.... they would do it in a heartbeat

I'd love to get together more n more on this Stu, I am not by any means very technically gifted... but I know what I want, and I'm willing to do what needs to be done to get it....... I really think if enough of us can pull together, and find the right people... this can happen, but until then... we should just enjoy what we have. Which is basically, a $90.00 software program for free