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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default dynamic brushes in Photoshop

    new to using a pen tablet with photoshop...my wacom tablet didnt come with instructions or a manual on how to activate different things in software....so, to my knowledge, the only brushes i know that will have an effect with the pen tablet are dynamic brushes...but i cant seem to find too many on the ones i have installed...where can i download dynamic photoshop brushes? thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: dynamic brushes in Photoshop

    Dleif - Andrei has covered this point for you I think? - in your other thread here:

    As I understand it the instructions you seek are not with the tablet, but with the program you are using, as it is the program that controls the tablet [not the other way round]

    In post #2 [second paragraph] of that thread Andrei indicated how to set brushes dynamically for use with the tablet in CS3
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