Hi everyone, I'm back with another daft question. I was searching online for a nice powerpoint template when I was struck with inspiration, "This would be the perfect time to experiment with Xara!" Well, I've experimented, but I can't work out how to make the page I'm aiming for.

In my net searches, I came across this site: http://www.templateswise.com/ and although they didn't have any templates I liked, I was rather taken with their banner on the homepage. I don't want to plagiarise and copy it outright, but I would like to create something with that feel - the blended curves and lines. I tried to do it with the elliptical tool, but I just can't seem to get it happening. Does anyone have any suggestions?

PS - I just thought about this - if it is unacceptable to post the above link or ask this question, please delete my post. I'm not trying to offend anyone.