All you need now is a raccoon coat and a straw boater
All you need now is a raccoon coat and a straw boater
Norman. The Flying Scotsman
Just a couple of years older than you, Norman.
Your mention of raccoon coats and seeing this
great car reminds me of the era of "The Great Gatsby".
Pictures of Robert Redford and Mia Farrow pop into my mind.
There's a "sketchy" feel to the tyres that I like, and I admire
your patience on the wheel spokes. Very nice work.
** Detailed "Create A Spinning Logo Tutorial" is available in .pdf format for download at this link **
Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. Groucho Marx.
The red spokes go well with the yellow body, Norman. You could have a post card line with all the cars you've done.