Contribute can edit any web site so long that it has permission. In both GoLive and Dreamweaver so have the opportunity so set the site with or without permissions. If your client has the login info to get onto the site and you have not set permissions with FrontPage they should be able to download the site and edit the whole site where and when they want to with or without your permission. I have had clients like yourself who want to edit the content and they have used Contribute & Co-Author and these programmes allow 3rd parties to go into sites and edit pages either by uploading a Word doc or using the programme to type or to upload graphics to certain pages in the site which have been defined previously but will not allow this to happen in other areas of the site. To round up anyone with the login info and a HTML editor can go into the site and do what they like but they would have to have some knowledge of the editor and this is where both Contribute & Co-Author scores as it is a simple editor which only allows simple changes with permission.