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Thread: Bollix!

  1. #11

    Default Re: Bollix!

    If you drop menu and it lists Xtreame, apply all changes, with Xtreame showing and bingo all is baked up after the first save, on the next save a .bak file is created, watched it pop up in explorer as I saved.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Bollix!

    Jeff - You are correct.

    I just saved the second version of the November tutorial and now there is a *.BAK version as well.

    For some reason I was in the same boat as Judi and thought that XXTune did not work with the latest build.

    Live. And learn.


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Default Re: Bollix!

    WOW! I can't remember ever losing any work from Xara, and I never save as I go. I thought that stuff was for lesser applications!?!

  4. #14

    Default Re: Bollix!

    Sorted Gary

  5. #15

    Default Re: Bollix!

    It happened to me once. Xara crashed resulting in zero-bytes size of the file (several days of work, not backed up yet onto removable drive). But I have found some .tmp file or whatever with relevant date somewhere in the file system, renamed it to .xar and, eureka! it was exactly my file.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Mount Barker. S.A. Australia

    Default Re: Bollix!

    Sorry to hear the loss of all that work Gary.
    One of the methods I use when I was (am still) learning Xtreme was progressively save. Save a file when a certain amount of work is done (say 20minutes) then 'save as' the same file and continue working in that file. Continue to repeat the process. So you might have ten files (Numbered 01,02,03 etc) on the same graphic. If one crashes you can just have to go back to the previous saved one. A little bit of work maybe lost but not the whole lot. I used to do minutes for a three day meeting directly on the wordprocessor, I can assure you, you quickly learn how to effectively save files.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Bollix!

    Thanks Rupert. Not sure if it would work.

    Several years ago, I decided that if I purchased a ship's clock, which strikes on the hour and half hour, that whenever the clock bells sounded, I would get up and take a break.

    That worked for about a week.

    Now I hardly ever hear the bells even though the clock is on the wall no more than 6 feet from my computer.


  8. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Default Re: Bollix!

    I know how that goes - its why I stopped bothering to put music on when I am working. I'd hear the first 30 seconds of an album and after about an hour I would wonder what happenned to the rest of it.




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