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Thread: Flash Jukebox

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Re: Flash Jukebox

    I do have a scripts folder with AC_RunActiveContent file

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Flash Jukebox

    Welcome acyn04,

    First, check that the swf files are where there expected to be by typing in the url into your browsers address bar:


    Does the music play?

    Whilst your at it, check all your file names are lower case. Upper case filenames will work on your local computer but not on your server.

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  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Re: Flash Jukebox

    Hi Egg,

    Thanks for your response!

    I have 3 different fla docs. 1 is the jukebox with 3 buttons and the correct actions. The other 2 are the songs. All 2 song fla docs simply have the
    mp3's attached. There are published as is the jukebox doc. All docs are in lowercase and are uploaded to my flash folder. I have also got a script folder with AC_RunActiveContent file. I have used dreamweaver to attach the swf doc to my page.

    I tried http://www.yourdomain.com/jukebox/track1.swf and it says page not found.

    The page in question is below:


    The swf doc (Time After Time Cassette) is on the page but the 3 buttons; remix 1, remix 2 & stop button do not work. The mouse changes but no music plays.

    I have clearly done something wrong. Any ideas?


  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Denver, CO

    Default Re: Flash Jukebox

    Josh, I don't believe it's your Flash. If you go straight to your main swf file the music plays fine.


    However, your music swf files are quite large. Almost 6 megs a piece. The server your hosting from is pretty slow as well.

    Have you tried putting the Scripts folder under FlashDocs with your main swf. It might work then.

    I'll poke around a bit more.
    Last edited by RedWombat; 04 October 2007 at 07:33 PM. Reason: Typo


    Big Plan Creative - Napoleon had one . . . Einstein had one . . . Do you have one?

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Flash Jukebox

    I tried http://www.yourdomain.com/jukebox/track1.swf and it says page not found.
    No it won't. You should change the URL to the path to your swf file on your server, just to check it's where you think it is

    You do have upper case file names (http://www.cyndilauperuk.com/FlashDocs/tatjukebox2.swf)
    ie FlashDocs, but I don't think this is the cause of your problem. Can you post the button actions on your buttons? I think RedWombat has hit the nail on the head.

    Whilst on about buttons how about making the links more interactive, so on mouse over they are more obvious links other than the hand on and off the text as well as letting the visitor know something's happening once the button's been clicked.

    See attachment. It doesn't actually load anything but the buttons are more interactive/obvious and the visitor can see that on clicking, something is happening.

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Egg Bramhill; 05 October 2007 at 06:21 AM.

    Minis Forum UM780XTX AMD Ryzen7 7840HS with AMD Radeon 780M Graphics + 32 GB Ram + MSI Optix Mag321 Curv monitor
    + 1Tb SSD + 232 GB SSD + 250 GB SSD portable drive + ISP = BT + Web Hosting = TSO Host

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Re: Flash Jukebox

    If I move the scripts folder or the scripts to my flash folder then the swf file does not show up on the page.

    For what ever reason that method of putting a jukebox together does not work for me.

    As I am very new to flash I think I might need to find an alternative.

    I am simply miffed by the facted it works perfectly on my pc and through flash but not on my server.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Flash Jukebox

    Quote Originally Posted by acyn04 View Post
    If I move the scripts folder or the scripts to my flash folder then the swf file does not show up on the page.

    For what ever reason that method of putting a jukebox together does not work for me.

    As I am very new to flash I think I might need to find an alternative.

    I am simply miffed by the facted it works perfectly on my pc and through flash but not on my server.
    You need to show us the code that you have used. All of your file paths should be relative to the jukebox swf. If you have specified a full file path for your PC then it'll work there but not on the server. We can only guess if you don't post some of the code!

    It's pretty likely that your swf files are in the wrong place and/or you aren't specifying a relative path to them.


  8. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Re: Flash Jukebox

    Is this the code you want to see? All I did was inserted media - flash - swf doc using Dreamweaver.

    <script src="Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">
    AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase','http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,28,0','width','260','heigh t','165','title','tatremixes','src','flashdocs/tatjukebox2','quality','high','pluginspage','http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash','movi e','flashdocs/tatjukebox2' ); //end AC code
    </script><noscript><object classid="clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,28,0" width="260" height="165" title="tatremixes">
    <param name="movie" value="flashdocs/tatjukebox2.swf" />
    <param name="quality" value="high" />
    <embed src="flashdocs/tatjukebox2.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="260" height="165"></embed>

    For the 3 seperate swf docs I used the method listed above. Created the image, added the 3 buttons. I assigned the actions as listed above.

    All swf docs are uploaded to my flashdocs folder. I have made sure all folders and files are in lowercase.

    I really appreciate all the help from everyone.


  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Denver, CO

    Default Re: Flash Jukebox

    I think Paul was wanting to see your AS code. Unless you can decompile an swf, you can't see that.

    Josh, I took the liberty of decompiling your swf to peek at your code.

    First, you can move your swf's - tatjukebox2.swf, tat1.swf and tat2.swf into the root of your site. (Where your main html page is). I've done this and it works.

    Or second, you can try to change your AS code on your button states to have your FlashDocs subfolder.

    Your jukebox should be looking in it's same folder by looking at your code. It might be looking in the root of your site for your music.

    on (release)
        loadMovieNum("tat2.swf", 2);
    Third would be to change your html so it doesn't look in the FlashDocs folder at all and move all your swf files into the root of your site.

    Here's an example. All I've done is take your files and put them into the root of your site. I then removed the FlashDocs from the paths in your html code. The code you posted above.


    Does this make sense?

    Those are some funky mixes!

    My wife and son had the opportunity to meet Cindi in Denver a few years back when she was touring with Cher. She's an incredibly nice person!

    Hope it helps.
    Last edited by RedWombat; 05 October 2007 at 01:33 PM. Reason: Change of information


    Big Plan Creative - Napoleon had one . . . Einstein had one . . . Do you have one?

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Re: Flash Jukebox

    Superstar! Thank you so much!

    I moved the 2 songs swf files to the root and all works fine. They take about 10 seconds to load.

    One last question hopefully. How do I create remix 1 loading or remix 2 loading to appear on screen after the on release has occurred?

    Basically what did with his example.




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