Quote Originally Posted by raynerj1 View Post
Very Nice... I like that. I have found that if you have the right pen in hand, the art just flows... some pens, are only good for writing, when you have a good pen... you draw until it is dry...
Yes, absolutely. About 20 years ago, when I was a student, I decided to teach myself to draw without an eraser. This way I chose a pen.

Quote Originally Posted by joscari View Post
Wonderful drawing and another great example of your artistry.
I have been in Moscow twice and know that there is a treasury for a drawer, I wish I could draw myself, but the camera has been my tourist tool when I have been there.

Tourists usually have no time and so camera helps them to download more views. This picture takes about 2 or little more hours and then a rain started. So I have to add some strokes (and signature ) at home.