Quote Originally Posted by Tallis View Post
My question was oriented towards optimizing this tedious propagation workflow by seeing if there is an easier way that I'm missing...
Yes, it is tedious and it's more tedious because Xara have missed a very simple trick (from another perspective we could argue it's a bug).

Currently, for example, if you edit a group "g1" in the first frame, you need to do exactly the same thing in every other frame (or cut and paste as per my advice).

The trick that Xara missed was that if ,for example ,you edit group "g1" in the first frame, Xtreme should replace all other occurrences of "g1" in the other frames with the changed version. This would make you (and many others I imagine) very happy.

(Wicked comment: If it's any consolation, this is how the Flash environment does it)

"I can't help but think you're making this a bigger thing than it needs to be."

Just trying to understand the dynamics of how Xara animations and naming items or groups to tween can be done efficiently is all.
Yes, there is going to be some tedium using Xtreme for animation.

It's really good that it does it at all - it's a recent addition - some people are doing some fun stuff with it. It's no competition for the Flash tool though.

My confession is that I don't use Xtreme for animation.
