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View Poll Results: Apple Mac - what's that?

359. This poll is closed
  • I only use a PC and I'm happy

    135 37.60%
  • I only use a PC but wish I could use a Mac as well

    38 10.58%
  • I only use a PC but wish I could use a Mac instead

    28 7.80%
  • I sometimes use a Mac as well

    26 7.24%
  • I often use a Mac as well

    132 36.77%
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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Re: Apple Mac - what's that?

    I use Xara under VMWare on Mac OS X and awaiting native Mac version.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Apple Mac - what's that?

    Interesting. At the moment with 30.3% only using a PC and being happy suggests that almost 70% would like to see Xara on a Mac.



  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Chelmsford, Essex, UK

    Default Re: Apple Mac - what's that?

    I use Xara on a Mac via Parallels Desktop.


  4. #14
    Scott Knaub Guest

    Cool Re: Apple Mac - what's that?

    I've been a PC guy since DOS. I've enjoyed Windows throughout the years, but have become increasing frustrated with the way Microsoft treats its customers.

    My wife and I want to go to Mac, but there are certain programs I use all the time (like Xara) that won't run on Mac. I'd like to start using Ubuntu as my operating system on my PC, but there are other programs I use that won't run on it. Basically, I want to get away from Windows...so however I can do that will be good. I'll probably end up with a Mac and an Ubuntu machine...both running a Windows emulator until all of the programs I use are available for both.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Apple Mac - what's that?

    Am I right in thinking that M$ has added stuff to the licencing of Vista to prevent it's use on the mac platform?


  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Lancaster, CA, USA

    Default Re: Apple Mac - what's that?

    There are lots of people right now who would have to get new computers as their old hardware won't run Vista. We decided to got to MAC ourselves and I am using Xara now on my MAC running Parallels. Xara does fine, not all software does, it creates lots of lagging in CorelDRAW, none in Xara that I've noticed. Did have some problems getting my Wacom tablet to work in the Virtual Machine with pressure sensitivity, but I unplug the tablet and then wait a minute or two, and then it is recognized in Windows, it would be nice not to plug and un-plug so much, but it doesn't hurt the tablet or the jacks.

    The MAC OS is more stable. This last year alone I've had to reinstall Windows four times. And that is just this last year. My OEM version of Windoze XP Professional has always done that so I was done with that. Reformatting is no fun, all the Windoze downloads again, sometimes to just do it all again, as you can get a virus from the getgo, did that too.

    I am looking forward to the release of Leopard in September and a straight install of DRAW in Boot Camp. That way there should be no quirkiness. Other users of DRAW use is in BootCamp and have told me it is okay that way. I do love Xara, it is great software but as I am always using DRAW where I work, and they won't change, I could use it more often if I could import the Xara made .pdfs, which will not import. Acrobat Distiller works for that however. If I can do the job natively in CorelDRAW, I do as there is better support for spot color with transparency and drop shadows and duotones which make separations correctly. Rather than what people say, if you know your keyboard shortcuts and scripts, DRAW is anything but slow and clunky.

    Xara's vector editing tools are the best, and their vector feathering too. Anytime I have original cartoons to do, I use Xara, or occasionally use it for business cards, special display type brought in from Xara3D.

    Xara is, I know, trying to be more compatible with Illustrator, the "industry standard", well "standard" is by no means "deluxe", Xara can do more in many regards than Illustrator already. Where Illustrator and CorelDRAW differ to Xara primarily is in the use of spot color and correct color management. It's great -- the new Xara allows you to pick a pixel editor.

    I wish Illustrator and Corel which both imports so many formats, would choose to add .xar to the list of supported file types.

    Corel isn't doing as badly in the numbers of people actually making their living with it these days. It isn't how much you are like Adobe that counts, that software is S-L-O-W. Xara should be proud it is better, not worse. And much more affordable.
    Every day's a new day, "draw" on what you've learned.

    Sally M. Bode

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2000

    Default Re: Apple Mac - what's that?

    Looking at your average flyer from Best Buy or what have you --- it's simply "better bang for the buck with a PC." Going down to your local geek store and picking up your own pieces and putting it all together yourself: often always better and cheaper yet (but at worst you know exactly what you are getting and paying for).

    I need a new box too: From the looks of it: Vista is not going be something I will be happy with. This time I'm going pre-config HP (for the first time ever --- makes me shudder... *brrr*)

    Mac is already dead HW-wise... And the OS only seems more stable because there are less developers focusing on it. Can't see the point? Running iTunes and shopping from their store might be easy enough for a 90-year-old grandma to do... But nothing that I would ever consider doing.

    Less viruses? Sure... Why bother with the Mac? Hardly anyone is buying one!

    Apple will take over the known universe when they concentrate on "funking up" PC gadgetry... Apple probably makes more money from iPod Nanos than their computer division - can't see why they don't go where the money and buyers are?

    In general: I have no idea what people do with their PCs to make it not work: I have run every imaginable configuration: hardware and software wise for over 15 years, and have never lost a single file due to a crash.

    At work with endless machines and OSs and at home with many as well. The only problem I have ever had: one blown power supply (4 years later) because I tried to save a few bucks. I just don't get it...?

    Then again - perhaps Windows Vista is what will turn the tide? MS messed up with that one!

    Personally, I don't give a monkey's tail what it says on the box or on the OS --- I look in my wallet and what I can get for it.


  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Apple Mac - what's that?

    Quote Originally Posted by Risto Klint View Post
    Personally, I don't give a monkey's tail what it says on the box or on the OS --- I look in my wallet and what I can get for it.
    Following that philosophy, you'd probably have a house full of stuff from the local supermarket - the cheapest TV, the cheapest HiFi, a no-name MP3 player, the ugliest most uncomfortable furniture going, and so on.

    The important thing is that the price is right.

    OK, it's an exaggeration, but most people don't think Like that - they have a number of choices and it'll be a compromise between what they would buy if money wasn't important and what they can buy given the money they have. Mixed in there are choices involving aesthetics, brand reputation, reliability and what being associated with such an item says about them. You get the drift. If money is tight we'll gravitate towards low purchase cost.

    The point is that while many things are commodities, with money to spare, or a strong motivation, we will buy the more expensive product even if it is functionally the same as a low price equivalent. Just ask any teenager about clothes and footwear!

    It seems to me that you can't mix in PCs and Apples as bare equivalent commodities - in many ways an Apple (for many of us) is the thing you'd buy in preference to most PCs if you had the money, just as you might buy a VAIO in preference to a cheaper make of PC.

    Naturally if you feel that aesthetics or brand are unimportant for a particular item, you are going to go ahead and follow the price point and most likely buy a generic PC.

    Paul (who'd like a modern Apple but builds his own PCs and has an old G4)
    Last edited by pauland; 04 July 2007 at 07:19 AM.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Apple Mac - what's that?

    Often people make choices based on a process of elimination - like the old saying about any fool knowing what they want, but a wise man knowing what
    he doesn't need.

    As things stand, if I were to replace my machine now I would choose linux, or mac; not because I think either are the best thing since whatever, but because I do not want the hassle of vista. And it will be a hassle. The list of software/hardware that will not port at all is long and depressing. The cost is such that [to me] a mac would no longer be a major extra expense.

    If I have to go through all that I'm inclined to follow in Sally's footsteps...
    Nothing lasts forever...

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The Netherlands

    Default Re: Apple Mac - what's that?

    Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
    As things stand, if I were to replace my machine now I would choose linux, or mac; not because I think either are the best thing since whatever, but because I do not want the hassle of vista. And it will be a hassle. The list of software/hardware that will not port at all is long and depressing. The cost is such that [to me] a mac would no longer be a major extra expense.

    If I have to go through all that I'm inclined to follow in Sally's footsteps...
    I can see your point, I don`t want Vista, it`s like they want to own your computer just because you use their operating system.
    But the problem is, Direct X 10 is only for Vista, that means getting newer
    graphicscards, who are most likely direct x 10 compatible, might run into
    trouble if you wanna stick to XP. So eventually you would have to
    surrender to 'Big Windows is watching you'.

    So I have to wait and see what I would do when it is time for
    a new machine.

    I now miss my amiga more then ever, it sat between PC and Mac for me.
    I wish the development would have gone on further, oh, it did, but not that
    seriously. So it will be Mac most likely because I am sure I would get lost
    in all the Linux variants and settings. Which means all new software, I need
    to win the lottery.
    be aware, not to become a ware.




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